Wednesday, January 31, 2024

On “War with Iran” After 3 U.S. Soldiers Killed

The recent un-provoked killing of three U.S. soldiers in Jordan by Iraqi-based Iranian terrorist proxies led to an exchange on Facebook. Without mentioning names, I republish part of the exchange [sic]. The owner of the Facebook page posted:

I don’t understand how anyone can vote for Biden in this upcoming election.   I understand that our choices for President will…most likely…not be good ones.  But…Iran has attacked US installations over 160 times recently. The most recent attack on one in Jordan killed three of our servicemen and injured many others.  And the administration doesn’t want to escalate anything with Iran!  Iran has been at war with the US for decades and the escalation is obvious.  WTH is this president waiting for to protect our troops.

I commented:

The delusion at the White House is astounding. We keep hearing fears of "a wider war," an "escalation of tensions," and such buzzwords. That's the talk of appeasement, and it's leading us in the direction of World War III. I don't think it will get that far. But that's the road our current policies are pointing to.

Another correspondent chimed in:

A war with Iran is not the way to hold them accountable….. another war??? Seriously 😳 no. Not the answer and I hope congress sees that as well

The owner replied:

Then what? Continue to let them bomb and kill our soldiers with no recourse?

The commenter reiterated:

there must be other ways to hold them accountable…… to which you and I rest assured know nothing about. But war with them is not the answer here

I replied:

Our policies since WW II of fighting long, dragged-out, no-win wars, capped by Bush’s failed “nation-building” fiascos in Afghanistan and Iraq, have so corrupted our thinking about war that we are reduced to what you are essentially saying—the pathetic belief that the most powerful and moral country in the history of the planet cannot defend itself against a pipsqueak terrorist theocracy that incessantly wages war against us.

You are partly right. Another NO-WIN war is not the answer. Appeasement led to WW II, and an uncompromising Allied policy of unconditional surrender or utter destruction led to lasting peace and prosperity. The crushing of Italy, Germany, and Japan resulted in those nations becoming our allies, friends, and trading partners. They learned their lessons. I’m not a military expert. But I do know that Iran is no Italy, Germany, or Japan. The U.S. can cripple Iran’s economy in hours or days, and neutralize its military, with air power alone. It can be supplemented with massive economic sanctions, enforced by naval blockades and the like. No need for “forward strategy for freedom” or “democracy” campaigns. No need for troops on the ground. Whatever we do, we should make it clear that we will continue to do what’s necessary until the current murderers and criminals ruling Iran are replaced with better political leaders and policies. 

It must be said: The idea that “war with them is not the answer” is a dangerous evasion that leads to a PRO-WAR POLICY OF CONTINUING APPEASEMENT. We ARE at war with Iran—and have been since 1979. They know it. It’s time for us to acknowledge it as well, and act accordingly. Imagine a peaceful, civilized Iran that deals with the West through the shared prosperity of commerce rather than war-through-terrorism.

Related Reading:

The Morals of the Israel/Hamas War—and the Vindication of Leonard Piekoff

"Who is morally responsible for the deaths of innocents in Gaza?"

Craig Biddle on Israel vs. Hamas for The Objective Standard: Why You and I and Everyone Should Support Israel Against the Barbarians

1 comment:

  1. Nothing but appeasement is foreseeable, so, the same with an approaching WWIII. If WWIII doesn't happen, it will be because there's still time for Trump or some other formidable republican to take the White House, or because Iran will get the bomb before 1/20/25. If it's the latter, conventional war will mean nothing, and slavery will have, practically speaking, as much nuclear power as freedom. So, the only thing preventing the victory of slavery worldwide and forever might be economic and cyber measures.

    We can beat China and Russia simultaneously in a conventional war, but either can prevent that by resort to nuclear war. Neither one will hesitate to resort to that in such a case.
