Thursday, October 13, 2022

N.J. Governor Phil Murphy’s Hypocrisy on Saudi Arabia

Brent Johnson’s recent report, Saudi Arabia move to cut oil supply ‘a war on N.J. working families,’ Murphy says, is very instructive.

Gov. Phil Murphy’s “clean energy” agenda includes “weaning the state off its century-old addiction to fossil fuels.”

But if fossil fuels are as bad for N.J. residents as Murphy keeps saying, he should be cheering the Saudi cutbacks. Why doesn’t he? By criticizing them instead, Murphy is tacitly admitting that the Dem’s war on fossil fuels is destructive to the well-being of ordinary people. So if the Saudi cutback is analogous to “a war on N.J. working families,” then his agenda is analogous to “a nuclear holocaust” for N.J. As the worldwide energy crisis unfolds, the utopian anti-fossil fuel “clean energy” agenda is increasingly exposed by its own champions’ hypocrisy as a dangerous fraud. 

Related Reading:

When Climate Dogmatism Meets Energy Reality

The ‘Jihad on Pipelines,’ New Jersey Front

The False Promise of ‘Clean Solar Powered Utility Scale Energy’

My Letter Rebutting Sierra Club Opposition to N.J. PennEast Gas Pipeline

Human Energy Needs vs. 'Mother Earth'

Environmentalists Seeking to Deprive NJ Residents of Reliable Energy

Ecomodernism Is the Solution to Man-Made Climate Change—Ronald Bailey

1 comment:

  1. Well, maybe Murphy isn't actually being hypocritical about the Saudi cutbacks. Maybe he just thinks those cutbacks will make New Jersey wean itself of fossil fuels too fast.
