Tuesday, September 27, 2022

QUORA: ‘With the current worldwide heat crisis (July 2022), how can anyone doubt the reality of climate change?’

 QUORA: ‘With the current worldwide heat crisis (July 2022), how can anyone doubt the reality of climate change?

I posted this answer, slightly edited:

Those who “see” climate change in this year’s summertime heat waves affecting some areas simply don’t know what they’re talking about. Heat waves no more prove the reality of climate change than religionists who “see” God in the heat waves (or any other weather events) proves the existence of God.

Of course, the Earth’s average global temperature is slowly warming. The warming, in turn, alters weather patterns in some areas, causing gradual, long-term shifts in some climates. But the mental linking of every news-worthy weather event to climate change is an indoctrination tactic geared toward a political agenda. An example of this tactic is Big Media’s coordinated world-wide, one-sided propaganda campaign, called the Covering Climate Now initiative. The purpose of this media cartel, dishonestly parading under the honorable label of “journalism,” is “a project . . . aimed at strengthening the media’s focus on the climate crisis.” It’s a virtual given these days that any news report on extreme weather events will include “climate change” or “climate crisis” in the report, without any causal fact that links climate change to the event. Such a one-sided campaign ignores the genuine human catastrophe that would follow from the efforts to “fight climate change” by stifling economic growth and the reliable energy needed to power it.

As this question demonstrates, climate change has taken on faith-based, quasi-religious overtones. 

And it’s not only not helpful. It’s downright dangerous, because it leads people to support policies of energy deprivation that restricts peoples’ access to the reliable low-cost energy needed to protect themselves from heat and other weather extremes. Although some of these extremes may be marginally more intense, nothing currently happening in weather is unprecedented or anything resembling a “climate crisis.” In truth, what is not being recognized is the enormous human progress on commanding climate dangers that fossil fuels and freedom have enabled, and the danger the crusade against fossil fuels means to continuing progress, especially in light of the equally vociferous campaign against nuclear power. The issue is not “the reality of climate change,” which no one disputes. The question I would ask is “In light of this summer’s heat waves, how can anyone doubt the vital human necessity of reliable cost-effective energy, such as fossil fuels and nuclear power?”

I’ve posted other answers on this subject:

QUORA: ‘Why is there such strong pushback on climate change at the same time as we are seeing overwhelming proof of weather extremes in the USA?’

QUORA: ‘Why, even if the evidence is overwhelming, do many deny the risks our planet is running with climate change?’

QUORA: ‘What is, in your opinion, the best solution to climate change without destroying the economy?’

Related Reading:

Ida, the Catastrophist’s Latest Stopped-Clock ‘Prediction’

QUORA: ‘What is, in your opinion, the best solution to climate change without destroying the economy?’

The Collectivist Left Media Launches Major ‘Climate Crisis’ Propaganda Campaign

Our Alleged 'Climate Crisis' is No Longer, Thanks to Fossil Fuels

The End of Doom: Environmental Renewal in the Twenty-first Century--Ronald Bailey

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