Friday, May 20, 2022

U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez, the Fed, ‘Diversity’, and Racism

N.J. 's Democratic Senator Robert Menendez recently voted against a second term for Jerome Powell as Federal Reserve Board chairman, saying the Fed has a “serious diversity problem.” As  Jonathan D. Salant (NJ Advance Media for reported in the New Jersey Star-Ledger,

In voting no, Menendez criticized the absence of Latinos from the top echelon of the nation’s central bank, which sets economic policy independent of the White House and Congress. It sets monetary policy and can raise or lower interest rates to help the economy or bring down inflation.

So Menendez would deny Powell his job because of his genetic lineage. This is textbook racism. But that's "diversity" in today's common usage—a disguise for pure racism.

If there was any doubt that Menendez, and the philosophy he adheres to, are racist, this next passage should remove that doubt.

“I have repeatedly sounded the alarm on the Fed’s serious diversity problem,” Menendez said. “Just last January, I expressed directly to Chair Powell how outrageous it is that the voices of one- fifth of the citizens of America are repeatedly drowned out when the Fed is making critical decisions on economic policy. Yet under Powell’s leadership, the Fed continues to miss critical opportunities to appoint Latinos at the highest levels of its leadership.”

The implication here is that all 62 million Latinos think alike, based solely on their common genetic lineage. But genetics doesn’t determine a person’s ideas or opinions. Each person’s reason and free will determine that. Who can claim to speak for one- fifth of the citizens of America, Latino or otherwise? The fact that there are 62 million American Latinos does not mean they all agree.  

There is no collective “voice”, because there is no collective racial brain. Those premises are again racist. People can individually agree on an issue, and a single person with a like opinion can be said to speak on their collective behalf, based on their individual volitional perspectives. 

But no one can be said to be the “voice” of any group based solely on their genetic lineage, skin color, or bloodline. There are plenty of prominent Italians out there. Indeed, Supreme Court Justice Sam Alito is Italian, like me. But does he speak for me? Absolutely not in that horrendous leaked draft opinion on Roe v. Wade, as I made plain in my post In SCOTUS’ Draft Opinion Overturning Roe Abortion Ruling: Double Standards of Left and Right Exposed. And the fact that he doesn’t represent my views, or if there were no Italians on the Supreme Court, does not mean my “voice” is “drowned out”—not so long as we have free speech in America. That I’m writing this is proof of that. My voice does not depend on the “diversity” of the members of any government board.

I’m disgusted and morally outraged at the depth to which the diversity fraud has penetrated American culture, politics, and discourse. It has made racial considerations on myriad issues almost ubiquitous. Politicians like Menendez feed that hideous trend.

America’s fundamental identity is individualism, which makes racial diversity as it is usually used today—that is, applied to thought and life outcomes—reactionary and anti-American—and racist.

Related Reading:

SEC’s Boardroom ‘Diversity’ Rule Is Racist, Unnatural, and Politically Motivated

The Racism of “Diversity” by Peter Schwartz for Capitalism Magazine

Individualism vs. Collectivism: Our Future, Our Choice—Craig Biddle

DelBarton Student’s 'Diversity' Initiative, Though Well-Meaning, is Based on Counter-Productive Premises

The Founding Fathers, Not ‘Diversity,’ is the Solution to ‘Our Racialized Society’

From 'Diversity Maps' to Forced Integration: Obama's Racist Housing Policy Masks the Real Problem—Lack of Free Markets

Don’t Allow the Left to Own ‘Diversity’

RELATED: The NJ Star-Ledger’s Racist Rant

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