Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Tom Moran’s Cold Exploitation of the Buffalo Murders to Cancel America

In the wake of the Buffalo, New York supermarket shooting by a racist terrorist, Tom Moran chose to use the occasion to blame America first in a New Jersey Star-Ledger Editorial Board (aka SLEB) op-ed. 

In a 5/17/22 editorial, Confront the racists, including Tucker Carlson, who fuel the massacres, Moran called out “Great Replacement Theory”. This fringe crackpot collectivist theory, the French-originated theory adapted to an American faction, holds that America is a white nation and that there is a conspiracy to “replace” white America with people of other ethnic backgrounds. Moran also spent a lot of time attacking Fox News’ popular Tucker Carlson as a leading influencer behind this theory, and took a potshot (so to speak) at gun ownership in America.

I am here concerned with Moran’s take on Great Replacement Theory. And I will not defend Carlson, as I do not watch his show. I will however state that Moran and the SLEB have a habit of treating those it disagrees with with meanness and smears. So before I or anyone takes Moran at his word, it would be best from an objective perspective to find out what Carlson actually says before condemning the man.

That aside, my main problem is not with the details of Moran’s screed. He actually makes a few good points. My issue, and the thing that enrages me, is much deeper than Moran’s condemnations of a racist theory or TV personality. Under cover of the Buffalo attack, Moran goes after America’s very core and essence. Within his rant are passages that exposes the true point of Moran’s purpose—anti-Americanism.

But there is a sickness in this nation’s soul that lies at the heart of these murders, a deep-seated racism that won’t be cured by tougher gun laws and better mental health screenings. And we need to confront that sickness, and call out the charlatans and racists who keep fanning the flames.

“This nation’s soul”: Not the souls of particular racists. “The heart of these murders” is not the evil racist anti-American ideas of the shooter. It’s “a deep-seated racism” and “sickness” in America’s soul. We know racism exists among some Americans. But America’s soul. Let that sink in. What is America’s soul? I’ll get to that in a minute.

The truth is that America has never come clean with itself on the racism. 

Again, the collectivist smearing of America. This despicable lie ignores the Civil War that abolished slavery, the Civil Rights Movement of Martin Luther King that eradicated the progressives’ racist Jim Crow regime, and the tremendous progress in race relations and views that have occurred in the last 60 years. What about the nationwide George Floyd “racial reckoning?” The radical reactionary Left, of course, has a vested political interest in keeping alive the notion of a systemically racist America. To the Left, America will never, and can never, come clean with itself on the racism. Not until the foundational Enlightenment principles it was Founded on are repudiated.

Moran conludes by quoting a mourning Buffalo victim’s family member, which is then used for a pivot to his core purpose.

“The pain is in our DNA at this point,” Earlene Patterson, 64, told the New York Times. “It’s in my great-grandfather, my father. It’s in me.”

It’s in America’s DNA, too. And if we want to put and end to massacres like this, then we need to face that fact. [sic]

Racism is in America’s DNA, and America’s soul. But what exactly is America’s soul and DNA? Its soul is the Enlightenment principles of individualism—reason, free enterprise, moral equality, and the universal practice of unalienable individual rights—principles that embody the very antipode of racism and all forms of collectivism. America’s soul—its philosophy—is essentialized in the Declaration of Independence. It’s DNA—its political principles—is the radically new concept of republican government as constitutionally limited to protecting individual rights equally and at all times, and prioritizing the primacy of the individual and his liberty. The fight to fully implement these principles did not end in 1776. It has been ongoing, with advances and retreats, ever since. The fight goes on.

If Moran really cared about rooting out the ancient remnants of racism, a scourge that long predated America, and more broadly racism’s root, collectivism, Moran would embrace America’s soul and DNA. Instead, Tom Moran rejects all of that. The sickness is not in America’s soul and DNA. It is in the souls and DNAs of the Tom Morans and their reactionary ilk.

I knew Moran and his Star-Ledger Editorial Board were Leftist hacks. But I didn’t know, until now, how far gone they are. But now I know that Moran is a card-carrying member of the radical reactionary Left that hates America and what it stands for, and seeks to cancel not just the United States of America, but Americanism at the deepest philosophical—that is, its very soul and DNA—level.

At this point, I will continue to subscribe to the New Jersey Star-Ledger because it is my window into Left collectivist ideology. We genuine Americans need to know what our enemies are saying in order to effectively defend Americanism. But shocked as I am about Moran, at least I have learned what he really thinks of Americanism. I’ll leave off with this final reiteration to Moran:

Racism is not in America’s DNA. The answer to the remnants of racism in America is not to repudiate America. It is to fight for America. If we want to put an end to massacres like this, then we need to embrace and recommit to America’s Soul and DNA, it’s core Founding principles. 

Related Reading:

A New Textbook of Americanism — edited by Jonathan Hoenig

America: A History of Racism or the History of Individualism?

America: A History of Racism or the History of Individualism? - - 2

The Collectivist Left Appropriates an Inhumane Christian Doctrine to Obliterate Americanism

America's Revolutionary Mind: A Moral History of the American Revolution and the Declaration That Defined It by C. Bradley Thompson.

Individualism vs. Collectivism: Our Future, Our Choice—Craig Biddle

On This Constitution Day, Remember the Declaration of Independence

Great Replacement Theory Is a Grand Delusion by Ramesh Ponnuru for Bloomburg

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