Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Happy Birthday, Ayn Rand --America's Last Founding Father

Ayn Rand, a Russian Immigrant who escaped Communism to become an American novelist and philosopher, was born on February 2, 1905, in Saint Petersburg, Russia. 

After she came to America, she established herself as one of history’s foremost champions of reason, freedom, and individualism. Her place in history is that of an heir to a long line of intellectuals of The Enlightenment and of Americanism.

Rand once called Aristotle “America’s first Founding Father” because of his discovery of the laws of logic, which helped form the philosophic foundation for The United States of America. Since Rand established fully and explicitly, through her philosophy of Objectivism, the moral foundation of America’s Declaration of Independence, I believe she deserves the title America’s last Founding Father.

Her written works, interviews, and speeches are all still readily available for anyone interested.

I consider Ayn Rand to be one of the most important champions of individual liberty in world, and American, history. 

So, on this February 2, 2022, in recognition of her great intellectual and philosophic achievements, Happy Birthday, Ayn Rand.

Related Reading:

Ayn Rand’s Philosophic Achievement, Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4


  1. If only she had not ended up broke and on the dole at the end.

    -->At least she opposed the Viet Nam War and supported abortion rights.

    Supporting people having the freedom to control their own reproduction IS consistent with Libertarianism, so she got that one right.

    Republicans have strayed far from Libertarianism of late.

  2. My understanding is she left a sizable estate. But I'm not certain.

    She was "on the dole" in the same way as everyone else—collecting promised benefits she paid for through a program (SS) she was forced into by law. That's also consistent with liberty, not to mention justice.
