Saturday, February 5, 2022

Woke Redistricting Madness in NJ

The decadal redistricting ritual was just completed in New Jersey. Since the legislature is controlled by Democrats, the new district lines favor Democrats. This is common partisanship. The Republicans, not surprisingly, have sued to overturn or alter the results. 

What I want to focus on is the standards used to draw the district maps. In a New Jersey Star-Ledger article N.J. Democrats are big winners as commission draws congressional districts for 2022, Jonathan D. Salant, writing for NJ Advance Media for, reports,

A coalition of progressive, minority and good-government groups had urged the commission to draw districts that better reflected the state’s diversity. Five of the 12 districts are majority-minority, but said there should have been six.

Get that? Majority-minority!! This is the depth of absurdity to which racial identity politics—so-called “diversity”—has descended. It’s bad enough that racism dominated, or was a major factor in, the NJ redistricting commission. Now they are Orwellianizing the language. What the hell is “majority-minority.” What is this ridiculous phrase supposed to mean? How does any rational person make sense of it? If no ethnic group has a majority in a district, then there are no majorities, right? Wrong, according to the race-obsessed.

The fact is, you can’t make sense of it. Of course, that’s the point—to obfuscate. 

The Progressive mob is so invested in protecting their Woke racist/oppression collectivist narrative that they cannot bring themselves to acknowledge when "white" people are in the minority. What would happen to their vaunted crusade to protect "minority rights" (of groups, that is, not individuals, the smallest of minorities)? Their whole narrative holds that only majorities—read “white” people—can be racist. All of their efforts to protect minority groups would now have to cover "white" minorities. Can't have that! So they come up with indiotic Orwellian phrases to avoid the obvious implications of their true racist orientation. Colored groups can't be majorities—even when they are. That would make "people of color" the oppressors, according to Woke ideology, rather than the oppressed. So, they concoct majority-minority.

But it gets worse than mere absurdity:

“This [new redistricting] map sets us on a path to victory in 2022 and our New Jersey Democratic State Committee will now shift our focus to working closely with each of our congressional campaigns to build capacity, connect with voters and bring out the support needed to win these seats and help Democrats hold the majority in the House of Representatives,” state Democratic chair LeRoy Jones Jr. said. [My emphasis]

The Democrats view "minority" people—darker-skinned people—not as having their own minds capable of independent thought but as dolts whose views and thus voting preferences are determined by skin pigmentation. They are not capable of listening to all arguments, logically weighing the alternatives, and of possibly being persuaded to vote for a Republican or some independent candidate. They are conditioned, on this view, to automatically vote Democrat. They are mere tools of the Democratic Party machine. (Are you listening, Jesse Jackson, oh great champion of “American Democracy?”) What kind of person would not be offended and enraged by such a characterization?

“All — 100% — of the population]growth [sic] in the state came from communities of color,” said Henal Patel, director of democracy and justice for the New Jersey Institute for Social Justice.

“We appreciate the ones they did keep together but there are some issues that keep it from getting to real racial equity,” Patel said.

This is what "racial equity" looks like. To draw electoral districts designed to corral people according to skin pigmentation is pure racism. Let’s be blunt. This is racial segregation designed specifically for the gain of a political faction. “Real racial equity” means real racial segregation. The Democratic Party, at it’s founding the party of plantation slavery, has not changed its stripes: It simply substitutes the cotton plantation with the electoral plantation.

But the real definition of equity is “fair, just, and impartial.” A truly equitable approach to redistricting would never include skin color as a relevant factor. An equitable formula would treat every individual as a sovereign independent-thinking voter. True, people congregated into communities may collectively lean in one political direction or the other. So redistricting will probably always have an element of partisan bias, based on prior voting patterns. But redistricting need not—indeed, should never, on principle—be racially oriented.

“Equity” has been hijacked by the racist Woke “Antiracist” terror squad, which has aparently captured the Democratic Party. This is an opening for the Republican Party, if they are willing—they probably aren’t—to seize it. The 1964 Civil Rights Act forbids racial discrimination by any governmental entity or law. This could be an avenue for legal challenge, as well as an opportunity to fight back against the Woke re-mainstreaming of racism in America. Racism is being reintroduced into American law. That must stop.

Related Reading:

Jesse Jackson’s Big Lie: ‘American Democracy is Under Siege’

Racism— by Ayn Rand

The Racism of the ‘Anti-Racists’

The Racism of the Anti-Racists: Dr. Jill Biden, Wanda Blanchett, and Dr. Bob Harris

The Racism of the ‘Anti-Racists’: Oakland Reprises the Confederacy.

Heather McGhee Shamefully Links Racism to ‘Whites’, Anti-Racism to Socialism, and Capitalism to Racists

The Racism of the Anti-Racists: Dr. Jill Biden, Wanda Blanchett, and Dr. Bob Harris

The Racism of the ‘Anti-Racists’: San Diego’s ‘Educators’

The Racism of the 'Anti-Racists': 'This New America' - Apartheid?

The Racism of the ‘Anti-Racists’: The NJ State Budget

The Racism of the ‘Anti-Racists’: NJ Governor Murphy’s Strange and Discriminatory ‘Baby Bonds’ Scheme

An Anti-Racist Education for Middle Schoolers by ROBBY SOAVE for Reason

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