Saturday, July 9, 2016

Clinton E-Mail Scandal a Symptom of Democrats’ National Security Negligence

The FBI’s verdict on the Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal has Leftists rushing to the conclusion that Hillary has been exonerated of any criminal wrongdoing, so it’s onward and upward to the presidency. For example, the New Jersey Star-Ledger editorial board’s Tom Moran penned consecutive op-eds, Clinton e-mail verdict: It's bad, but Trump is much worse and Why Hillary Clinton gets a pass, and a common Navy sailor gets jail.

In the first editorial, Moran acknowledges that Hillary exhibited “reckless” behavior befitting “a drunken college kid” in her handling of “information rated top secret.” In the second, Moran acknowledges that Hillary exhibited “extreme carelessness,” but her behavior doesn’t rise to the level of warranting prosecution.

All of this is debatable. And it is being debated all over the place. However, I think the attention to Hillary’s e-mail shenanigans obscures a much deeper and much more disturbing issue for Democrats, which Republicans should seize upon. I left essentially the same comments (here and here) on both articles:

I have never written a word about the Clinton e-mail scandal, and for a very good reason: It is not a primary. It is a consequence of a much more egregious scandal. Clinton’s “extreme carelessness” and “reckless” behavior regarding “information rated top secret”—both of which, by the way, are different words for criminal negligence—is evidence that the Democrats simply don’t take national security seriously.

It’s not the only evidence. The Democrats’ obsession with domestic “gun control” in the context of terrorism launched by imperialist totalitarian Islam is further indication of Democrats’ lack of seriousness about national security.

Trump is a terrible, disheartening choice for a party that’s supposed to stand for free markets, individual liberty, and limited government. Those of us who stand for those American values don’t have much to cheer about this election cycle. But given Democrats’ disregard of national security, there’s no way one can make the case that Hillary is less bad than Trump. She's worse.

Related Reading:

GOP Should Not Let the Left Set the Agenda

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