Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Joe Biden’s Despicable ,Unjust Blame Game

Joe Biden is the latest in a long line of politicians to blame private enterprise for the problems caused by their own policies. 

In Biden’s case, it’s inflation. From “greedflation” to “shrinkflation,” the recent (and ongoing) inflationary spiral is all the fault of business, according to Biden. Note the no-win situation these idiotic terms press onto business. Business is dealing with the same inflationary forces as everyone else—namely, the devaluation of the dollar due to excess money creation—and, like everyone else, must deal with it. So, if a business raises prices to deal with its own rising costs, it’s “greedflation.” If it reduces the size of packaging to avoid a price increase, it’s “shrinkflation.” Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

Inflation, to put it in a somewhat oversimplified way, is defined as too much money chasing too few goods. In 2020, as COVID tightened its grip, the federal government under Donald Trump flooded the economy with $trillions in Covid “relief” money, all of it Fed-created out of thin air (“too much money”). At the same time, government’s were shutting down large segments of the productive economy, leading to  “too few goods.” You couldn’t get a more perfect inflationary storm. The stage for the coming inflation was set. (Don’t confuse price jumps in specific industries due to isolated problems like supply chain shocks with the general rise in prices that is inflation.) 

Onto this stage, Joe Biden roared into office vowing to “save” the economy, flooding the economy with $trillions in new spending for Covid relief and other spendings, pouring fuel on the emerging inflationary fire at a time when, contrary to Biden’s lies, the economy was already roaring back from the brief 2020 Covid Depression. 

Biden’s blaming of business for the inflation that his own policies fueled is despicable enough, but not unprecedented. Politicians have long resorted to this tactic—e.g. Nixon's price controls and Ford’s”WIN” (Whip Inflation Now) campaign. But Biden has gone further in what can only be termed gangster tactics that would make Al Capone smile—his “Strike Force” to assault private business for engaging in their rightful attempts to deal with their inflationary pressures. 

That a president of a country Founded on the principle that “government’s are instituted to secure these rights” could target private enterprise with such a gangster tactic, and with large public support, tells you all you need to know about where we are as a country. But that’s Biden, who even stooped to the lower low of targeting children for his cartoon economics propaganda, via the Cookie Monster. Shame on Sesame Street producers for embedding the idiotic term “shrinkflation” in its programing; and shame on Biden for channeling this Cookie Monster scene into his unjust attack on America's great business community.

Terms like “shrinkflation” and “greedflation” are senseless, made-up, albeit catchy, political terms geared to economic ignoramuses and other assorted useful idiots. Yet here is a president regurgitating these terms. It is Joe Biden who keeps shrinking, intellectually. Call it “shrink-tegrity.” 

Benito Mussolini, in his defining essay The Doctrine of Fascism,” explains the foundation of his political theory: “a state which controls all forces acting in nature. We control political forces, we control moral forces, we control economic forces.” Can anyone distinguish Biden’s “strike force” tactics from Mussolini’s? Joe Biden keeps finding ways to make it easier and easier to hate him. He is a lying, anti-American fascist reactionary.

Related Reading:

Memo to Jersey City Mayor Fulop: The Federal Reserve, Not Supermarkets, is to Blame for 'Hidden Food Inflation'

Economics in One Lesson—Henry Hazlitt

Did the New York Times Just Vindicate Reaganomics?

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