Wednesday, May 24, 2023

11,000 Political Science Hacks Declare Socialism the Solution to a ‘Climate Emergency’

It’s getting to be a broken record. Begin with climate catastrophism, attack prosperity, proceed to utopianism, end with socialism. Below are four excerpts from More than 11,000 scientists from around the world declare a ‘climate emergency’. Andrew Freedman reports for Washington Post on November 5, 2019 Pay attention to the emphasized portions:

In a move that backs a term used to date mainly by climate activists and left-leaning politicians, a new study by 11,258 scientists in 153 countries from a broad range of disciplines warns that the planet ‘‘clearly and unequivocally faces a climate emergency,’’ and provides six broad policy goals that must be met to address it.

On the economy, the study states that improving long-term sustainability and reducing inequality should be prioritized over growing wealth, as measured using gross domestic product. 

‘‘We’re asking for a transformative change for humanity,’’ Ripple said in an interview. Many of the signatories to the warning do not list themselves as climate scientists but, instead, as biologists, ecologists, and other science specialists. Ripple says that is intentional, as the authors sought to assemble the broadest support possible.

‘‘The situation we’re in today with climate change,’’ he says, ‘‘shows that this is an issue that needs to move beyond climate scientists only.’’

Again, my emphasis. “Beyond climate scientists” has long been the goal of New Left socialists. Yes, terms like “climate emergency” has long been a political tactic of Left-leaning politicians. Contrary to the study’s claim of “broadest support possible”, it still is. The Left has been claiming science as the basis for their catastrophism scare mongering--a classic appeal to authority tactic. The tactic may not be working as well as hoped. So they dredged up as many Left-leaning scientists as possible to help stamp the prestige of science onto their socialist political designs. As Freedman reports:

The report is a stark departure from recent scientific assessments of global warming, such as those of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, in that it does not couch its conclusions in the wishy-washy language of uncertainties, and it does prescribe policies.

Yes, policies--which can only mean government enforced policies to engineer “a transformative change for humanity.” Sound familiar? It does to me . . . a lot like the global communist goal of Marxism-Leninism. 

The convergence of science and politics is just as poisonous to liberty as the union of religion and politics. In fact, the climate emergency movement is a manifestation of the politics/religion union, masquerading under the banner of science. It was once declared by defenders of the Confederate slavocracy that black people have been scientifically proven to be incapable of supporting themselves and so would be better off remaining slaves where they can be taken care of. Marx advanced “scientific socialism” as a utopian ideal, resulting in 100 million deaths. American Progressives incorporated the science of eugenics into their political agenda, leading to racists, sexist policies and, when copied by National Socialist (NAZI) Germany, led to racial purity policies, including genocide and war. 

I believe we are witnessing a new and even more dangerous science/politics convergence. When by the middle of the 20th Century it became clear that socialism leads to widespread misery and terror and capitalism leads to widespread prosperity, the socialists faced a choice--abandon socialism or find a new way to discredit capitalism. Stephen Hicks calls the “the crisis of socialism”. Hence, the New Left arose in the 1960s to forge a new alliance between socialism and the emerging Ecology movement, the precursor to today’s Environmentalism. The new line for socialists: Capitalism fails because it produces too much prosperity, which is ruining the Earth through the exploitation of nature. Importantly, as Hicks notes, the socialists engineered a switch in its core “ethical standard from need to equality”—which explains why their climate crisis talk is always coupled with a war on economic inequality. This is manifested by Thunbergism and now with these scientists.

Related Reading:

The Anti-human Tyrade of an Ungrateful 16-Year-old

New U.N. Study Shows Climate Catastrophists Getting More Open About their Totalitarian Designs

The 'Watermelon' Analogy is Real, and it is Dangerous

‘Climate Crisis’: The Dem’s Path to Totalitarian Socialism

The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels—Alex Epstein

The End of Doom: Environmental Renewal in the 21st Century—Ronald Bailey

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