Sunday, July 24, 2022

The Real Danger is Not Too Much Heat, but Too Little Reliable Low-Cost Energy

This summer’s heat waves are triggering the predictable hysteria among the climate elites. A St. Louis Post-Dispatch editorial, Europe's lead role fighting climate change falls victim to a massive heat wave, is following that script to a tee. The hysteria is complete with the always-reliable Chicken Little hand wringing about “saving the planet from the climate crisis.” 

But while this editorial, which also ran in the 7/23/22 NJ Star-Ledger, laments people prioritizing keeping cool and safe over “fighting climate change,” the real lesson to be drawn from these not-really-unprecedented heat waves is that it is not the weather that we should fear. The real danger is the prospect of running short of the reliable, low-cost energy we need to protect ourselves from these climate dangers due to the Left’s long-running War on Fossil Fuels coupled with their continuing efforts to stifle nuclear power. 

My mission is and has long been to save humanity from the crusading planet savers. That “European countries are now backing away from their commitments to meet carbon-neutral goals” may be bad news for climate catastrophists. But it’s actually good news for humans. 

Related Reading:

Fossil Future: Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas--Not Less by Alex Epstein

Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn't, and Why It Matters by Steven E. Koonin

Fossil Fuels and Climate Change: Remember Life Before Them

A Humanist Approach To Environmental Issues—Alex Epstein @ Forbes

The Suicidal Demonization of Fossil Fuels

Climate Change Catastrophists Who Oppose Nuclear have Anti-Humanist Premises

The Real Reason They Hate Nuclear Is Because It Means We Don't Need Renewables--Michael Shellenberger

Japan's Earthquake Recovery: "Green Energy's" Failed Test

1 comment:

  1. Climate catastrophists today are of a type many decades old, probably centuries old, going back at least to those who were against the Renaissance and the Enlightenment.

    In 1960 there was a cranberry scare in Wisconsin, during the Presidential campaign. It was determined that a cancer causing chemical got into the cranberry supply. There was a big deal about it even though you had to eat several tons of cranberries to get cancer. But it got what the rabblerousers wanted, a destructive attack on an industry, any industry, in this case the demand and supply of cranberries.

    It only lasted a little while, but that was good enough for starters, then. They've been frying much huger fish since, although that wasn't at all the start. It always works as long as individuals, dispensing with their own thought when entering into groups of people, look for the group-think. Stay away from cranberries! Get away from fossil fuels!

    With fossil fuels, the goal is not just a little while. They're going for the Big Payoff, a permanent curtailment of fossil fuels and of nuclear, enough to destroy the wealth and living standards of the people generally and to destroy all recognition and enforcement of their unalienable individual rights, for the positional supremacy of them, the criminals.
