Saturday, April 23, 2022

Greta Thunberg's Hatred of Man

Climate catastrophist Greta Thunberg has used this year’s Earth Day to lament that there has never been a  “happy Earth Day.” MarketWatch covered her pronouncements in Reality check from Greta Thunberg: It has never been a ‘happy Earth Day’. After the obligatory “scientists say” and “climate crisis” Chicken Little scare buzzwords, the article states:

But many teenagers like 19-year-old Thunberg and others in their 20s — who will inherit the warming planet and its entrenched systemic problems — say politicians and members of older generations aren’t doing nearly enough to protect them from the ongoing climate crisis.

In a report released in September that surveyed 10,000 young people in 10 countries, almost six in 10 respondents said they were very or extremely worried about climate change, and nearly half said their climate anxiety impacted their daily life and functioning. Four in 10 said they were hesitant to have kids of their own.

My emphasis.

Since 1970, world poverty has plunged, far fewer people die from extreme weather, more than half the world has reached middle class status. Life in general is longer, cleaner, healthier, safer, and more prosperous than ever before. In short, human life and the planet has gotten steadily better since Earth Day 1 in 1970.  

And yet Greta Thunberg finds nothing to celebrate on this or any Earth Day. Why?

The "climate anxiety" being inflicted on young people by the climate catastrophists is educational malpractice, if not outright child abuse. Young people, in fact, have never faced a brighter future. Let's hope Thunberg never gets her "happy Earth Day". It would be catastrophic for human life, especially for young people. 

Greta is a hateful, ungrateful teenage sociopath. Her elders have bequeathed to young people a planet transformed from hostile to conducive to human flourishing. Yet she peddles unrelenting pessimism—she calls this vast improvement destruction. She may love the planet, but not man. She rants that “Earth Day has turned into an opportunity for people in power to profess their ‘love’ for the planet while at the same time destroying it at maximum speed.” This, from the avowed enemy of economic growth—the growth needed for young people to build good lives. Her idea that man is destroying the planet by making it an immensely better environment for human life and flourishing is the voice of the Dark Ages. A more honest alternate title for an article reporting on Thunberg’s pessimistic rant would be, Greta Thunberg's Hatred of Man.

Related Reading:

After 53 Earth Days, Society Still Hasn't Collapsed -- “The Limits to Growth is still ‘as wrongheaded as it is possible to be.’” by Ronald Bailey for Reason

The Anti-human Tyrade of an Ungrateful 16-Year-old

The Great Enrichment by Deirdre McCloskey

Fossil Fuels and Climate Change: Remember Life Before Them

Our Alleged 'Climate Crisis' is No Longer, Thanks to Fossil Fuels

Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress—Steven Pinker

Ten Global Trends Every Smart Person Should Know by Ronald Bailey and Marian L. Tupy 

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