Thursday, March 31, 2022

NJ Highway Service Center Renamed for Larry Doby

The Garden State Parkway will rename a service area for Larry Doby. Who is Larry Doby, some might ask? As Larry Higgs reports for,

On Friday, the Brookdale Service area in Bloomfield was renamed in Doby’s honor, commemorating his career with the Cleveland Indians to become the first Black player in the AL, signing with the major league ball club in 1947, 11 weeks after Robinson signed with the Dodgers, according to his New Jersey Hall of Fame biography.

Higgs observes that “Jackie Robinson is renowned as the player who broke through baseball’s color barrier.” “But,” Higgs asks, “what about the first Black player to break the color barrier in the American League?” Overshadowed by Robinson, Higgs notes Doby deserves his “overdue recognition.” 

But I have long recognized Larry Doby’s, and Cleveland Indians owner Bill Veeck’s, great achievement. I wrote Larry Doby, American Hero for The Objective Standard in 2012. 

Related Reading:

Larry Doby, American Hero

42: The Triumph of Courage and Moral Certitude over Irrationality and Bigotry

NFL Players Should Protest Injustice, Not Americanism—the Cure for Injustice

Larry Doby's Overdue Congressional Gold Medal

Fighting Anti-Private Discrimination Laws: The Role of Principles in the Fight for Freedom

Title 2: Government vs. Private Action

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