Sunday, October 31, 2021

What 'progress toward fixing climate change' Looks Like. Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid.

 QUORA: ‘When we were in shutdown, the Earth started healing, and evidence was clear that pollution can be controlled, so why are so many afraid of progress toward fixing climate change?’

I posted this answer:

Pollution can and has been “controlled.” Progress toward cleaner and cleaner industrialization has been going on for decades. But that has nothing to do with “fixing climate change.” 

So many are afraid because the consequences of COVID-19 combined with government-mandated shutdowns -- the destruction of jobs, businesses, livelihoods, educational opportunities for kids, shortages, etc. -- indicates exactly what “progress toward fixing climate change” looks like. And it’s only a taste of what awaits us if the pushers of this kind of “progress” fully get their way. Given how vital reliable energy like fossil fuels and economic freedom means for humans the world over, the ultimate outcome of the fantasy of “fixing climate change” would dwarf the damage done by the shutdowns. We would endure the worst human catastrophe in history. 

The alleged “healing” of the Earth we supposedly witnessed is evidence, alright -- evidence that we need continued industrial/economic/technological progress to empower man to continue the progress toward greater and greater prosperity and more and more climate mastery, livability, adaptation, and safety. It is also evidence that we need continued access to reliable, affordable energy like nuclear and, especially, fossil fuels, by far the best energy source available for now and the next few decades, at least. The “evidence was clear” that we need to abandon the catastrophic goal of “fixing climate change.” 

So, be afraid. It’s logical, if you value human life, which those who value nature over human life certainly do not. The “healing” of the shutdowns is a warning shot to anyone who cares about human well-being. Pursuing the path of “healing the Earth”—which means, forbidding man to alter the environment to meet human needs—is a frontal attack not only on human progress and flourishing, but on human survival as such. It is the path toward worldwide genocide. Be very afraid—of what the climate witch doctors have in store for us. Their idea of “controlling pollution” (which is not defined) is to stop human life.

There is a better, pro-human approach, backed by a huge volume of expert research, to solving the problems of industrialization without harming progress. It begins with, “First, do no harm.” A good place to start is with The End of Doom: Environmental Renewal in the Twenty-First Century by Ronald Bailey. It’s only a start to accessing the sane, humane alternative to climate catastrophism and earth first fanaticism.

Related Reading:

Crisis? What crisis? -- CDN

Power mad: Visions of an eco apocalypse have been used to justify a headlong charge to carbon zero for years. But this current crisis [the British fuel shortage] is a mere harbinger of the candle-lit future that awaits us if we do not change course. By MATT RIDLEY FOR THE DAILY MAIL

On Behalf Of Environmentalists, I Apologize For The Climate Scare by Michael Shellenberger

New U.N. Study Shows Climate Catastrophists Getting More Open About their Totalitarian Designs

The Return of the Primitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution by Ayn Rand and other contributors; examines the philosophical and moral underpinnings of the modern Environmentalist Movement.  

Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn't, and Why It Matters by Steven E. Koonin

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