Saturday, August 7, 2021

QUORA: ‘What's wrong with automatic voter registration?’

 QUORA: ‘What's wrong with automatic voter registration?

I posted this answer:

Automatic voter registration violates the rights of individuals to decide for themselves if they want to register and vote. It is a personal decision that the state has no business deciding for anyone. Rationalizations about the “civic duty” or “politicization” of voting to the contrary notwithstanding, the state has no more business registering you to vote than it does registering you into a bowling league or as an Amazon Prime customer. The only role of the state is to make it as uncomplicated as it can to register to vote, consistent with running fair and trustworthy elections. The choice is up to the individual citizen, each according to his own values, conscience, and interests—period.

What's wrong with automatic voter registration? The very fact that it’s automatic, rather than voluntary.

Related Reading:

The Vote: Get Off Your Butt and Register—But Keep the Nanny State Out of It

Voting Rights are Not the ‘Most Fundamental Right’—or Even a Fundamental Right

16 Year Old Voters? How About 21?

Freedom Is Not About the Right to Vote, So I’m Voting Anti-Democrat Across the Board

Democracy Doesn’t ‘Win’ When Free Speech is Suppressed, Voting Rights or No Voting Rights.

1 comment:

  1. Gubmint doesn't even automatically register 18 year old men for the military draft or, as far as I know, otherwise forcibly register them. But, I believe legislation requires them to register on their own.
