Saturday, January 30, 2021

Will Biden Acknowledge His Own Party’s ‘Central Role’ in Segregating America?

From AP News, 1/27/21:

President Joe Biden on Tuesday ordered the Department of Justice to end its reliance on private prisons and acknowledge the central role government has played in implementing discriminatory housing policies.

In remarks before signing the orders, Biden said the U.S. government needs to change “its whole approach” on the issue of racial equity. He added that the nation is less prosperous and secure because of the scourge of systemic racism

My emphasis. I wonder if Biden will acknowledge the “central role” of his own Party’s deliberate, decades-long, systemic design to legally segregate America. It’s all laid out in Richard Rothstein’s book “The Color of Law”. Segregation was the project of the liberal/progressive/Democratic Party agenda. Rothstein writes:

“Racial segregation in housing was not merely a project of southerners in the former slaveholding Confederacy. It was a nationwide project of the federal government in the twentieth century, designed and implemented by its most liberal leaders” including Franklin D. Roosevelt. [p. X - XII, The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America

I always knew that legalized segregation existed in America even though, as Rothstein observes, “segregation was always unconstitutional.” But I never knew the extent, or who was primarily to blame, until I read this shocking book. Will Biden acknowledge the whole truth, especially since the very same liberals intend to push reparations? Will he place blame where it belongs, with his own Party? Or will he blame “white supremacy” or some other such bullshit excuse?

Related Reading:

NJ: Focus on Educational Freedom, Not ‘Desegregation’

A Newark, NJ Mother Demonstrates the Educational Power of Parental School Choice

Title 2: Government vs. Private Action

How to Overcome Bigotry in a Free Society

The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America by Richard Rothstein. 

My Facebook post

1 comment:

  1. Of course, Biden won't blame his own party for segregation, even though his own party causes it. Democrats, meaning today, leftists, do it on purpose so they can spin the blame on republicans, conservatives, white supremisists (sp?), etc. They do it to help them get what they really want, which isn't integration. They don't care about segregation or integration. They're after arbitrary power, dictatorship. They set up false issues, like segregation, to cover that up. Who must be blamed regardless of facts? Anybody besides democrats and leftists. That's how segregation helps them toward their goal of dictatorship. It would go against their goal if they were blamed for it.
