Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The ‘Crisis’ Dictatorship

The ‘Crisis’ Dictatorship

As I've said before in regard to New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy’s response to COVID-19, the pandemic has exposed a dangerous loophole in American Constitutional governance--politicians need only declare an "emergency" to commandeer totalitarian powers and circumvent the rule of law and separation of powers. 

This seed is now sprouting like a weed. In Team Biden Vows ‘Decisive Action’ On ‘Four Crises’ In First Ten Days,  Eric Quintanar reports for The Daily Wire:

Incoming White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain vowed Saturday that President-elect Joe Biden will take “decisive action” on four different crises affecting the country during his first ten days in office.

In a memo to incoming senior White House staff, Klain identified the four crises as “the COVID-19 crisis, the resulting economic crisis, the climate crisis, and a racial equity crisis,” and promised Biden would take executive actions to address them.

My emphasis. The precedent has been set, the flood gates are open, and Biden will take full advantage, giving America another big, possibly fatal, push toward authoritarianism. These crises, Klain says, require “urgent action,” meaning bypassing the Congress—the rule of law—and ruling by executive order—by one man’s edicts.

I had feared that a Democratic Administration would use the COVID-19 pandemic as a model for a power grab based on the alleged “climate crisis.” In  As We Endure Through COVID-19 Lockdowns, Dems Gear Up for ‘Climate Crisis’ Authoritarianism, I wrote:

If you think I overreacted in calling Donald Trump’s invocation of the Defense Production Act a dangerous precedent, consider Barack Obama’s comments regarding Trump’s rollback of Obama’s auto mileage regulation. 

In Obama Compares Climate Change To Coronavirus, Rips Trump Rule Change, the Daily Caller’s William Davis reports:

Former President Barack Obama compared climate change to the coronavirus pandemic and criticized President Donald Trump for rolling back one of his administration’s key climate initiatives.

“We’ve seen all too terribly the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic,” Obama tweeted Tuesday. “We can’t afford any more consequences of climate denial. All of us, especially young people, have to demand better of our government at every level and vote this fall.”

My emphasis. It turns out I underestimated the consequences of the COVID-19 precedent. A “racial equity crisis?” The racism of the “Anti-Racist” movement has reached the top of the American government. If you can look at statistical disparities based on racial groups as a “crisis,” what can’t be deemed a “crisis” justifying the next authoritarian wave by whomever happens to be in the White House at the time?

It gets worse. The main theme of Joe Biden’s presidential inauguration speech was not, as many think, some vague notion of “unity.” It was “The cascading crises of our era,” as The New York Times put it on 1/21/21.The Times reported:

President Biden named six crises that the U.S. faces: the virus, climate change, growing inequality, racism, America’s global standing and an attack on truth and democracy. 

So we’re up to eight crises. In addition to the COVID-19 crisis, the resulting economic crisis, the climate crisis, and a racial equity crisis, we now can add “growing inequality, racism, America’s global standing and an attack on truth and democracy.”

This last—the "attack on Truth", also referred to "the reality crisis"—is astounding, coming from a politician, especially Joe Biden, the man who dreams up crises like a child adding to a Christmas wish list. This, from the man who said “Climate change is the existential threat to humanity. Unchecked, it is going to actually bake this planet. This is not hyperbole. It’s real.” Yes, politicians engage in hyperbole all the time. But note that Biden took pains to emphasize that he means it. It looks like truth is a crisis, all right -- for Joe Biden. 

Baked!?! This would be comical, except for the fact that it’s coming from the president of the United States!

Trump was accused of pushing America toward more authoritarianism. There’s truth in that. He did. But his authoritarianism was more bluster than real. Trump’s authoritarianism is non-ideological power-lust. That’s dictatorial, for sure. Now, under Biden, we are going to see what real authoritarianism looks like, Biden style. It’s much more dangerous, because the Democratic Party’s authoritarianism is ideologically driven. Theirs is a statist Ideology, specifically collectivist, which will lead to some form of socialism. Ideology leads not just to dictatorship but to totalitarianism, as Nazism, Communism, and theocracy do. The Biden Administration won’t end in totalitarianism. But that’s its orientation, because socialistcriminal socialistby design. Whereas Trump-style authoritarianism is simply bullying people, socialism is subordination of all individual affairs to state authority. 

The real American crisis is the erosion of the Founding principle of America, inalienable individual rights. Implicite in Biden’s announced crisis agenda is the vast expansion of government power over our lives that will be claimed as necessary to eliminate these cascading crises--crises that are undefined, unintelligible, and thus open-ended. The erosion of individual liberty rights didn’t start with Biden, of course. And it remains to be seen how bad it will be under Biden, although the erosion seems sure to continue in some capacity. Perhaps it’s time to invert the American Flag in protest against the ongoing retreat of the fundamental principles of Americanism.

In the meanwhile, the “crisis” dictatorship is here. It’s going to be a rough ride. While Biden did not initiate the long-term descent into authoritarianism, he will push it forward in a big way. The fight goes on. America is not, as Biden said, fundamentally about Democracy or “the will of the people.” America is first and foremost about individual rights, the Safe Space that protects each individual’s liberty from “the will of the people”--totalitarian Democracy, along with all other forms of tyranny on man over man. America's true unity is based not on collectivist central planning, but on respect for each other’s individual rights. It is not the unity in socialist chains.

1 comment:

  1. I think some will act beyond inverting the American flag. And some will NOT invert the American flag and hold it upright, high, then act further to uphold the fundamental principles of Americanism. But, let's just watch and see what Biden and the democrat Congress actually starts to do.
