Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Importance of Child Personal Choice in Education

In The Case Against Homework, Stephen Hicks writes:

When we work because we have chosen it and like it, we find plenty of energy for it. We also find ourselves wanting to work outside formal hours — that is, to do home-work. But when our jobs feel like an imposition on our lives, then we become demotivated. We can’t wait for the workday to end, and we resent any overtime requirements.

The same pattern is exhibited in childhood education. Consider how motivated children are when they have chosen their own projects. Then they are alert, absorbed, inquisitive, and persevering. The distinction between “work” and “play” dissolves. Home-work become home-play. [sic]

This struck a personal cord. I can identify with this observation. I hated school. In high school, I was failing my ninth grade science (among other courses). In a private conference with my science teacher, my mother was told about an upcoming term paper assignment. My mother mentioned that I was very interested in weather. Problem was, weather was not one of the approved subject choices for the paper. But my teacher, Mrs. Haver--to her credit--told my mother to inform me that I could do my paper on weather.

Well, I dove right in, turning out a massive document, on which I received an A+. More interestingly, part of the term paper requirement was to give an oral presentation to the class. It was to be about 5 minutes or so for each student. When my turn came, I happened to be first up on that day. So, I got up there and got started. As I went along, kids occasionally raised their hands to ask a question. I was sailing along when suddenly, Mrs. Haver interrupted, saying I had to end the presentation. I said, “But, I’m not finished.” She said, “But, the period’s over.” The whole period--40 minutes. (Yes, me. The person terrified of public speaking, even to a school class. The person who once played hooky to avoid an oral book report.)

Hicks is right. Education, to be education, must be interesting to the child, and infused with a healthy dose of personal choice. 

[P.S. I raised my grade from “F” in the first marking period to a “B” in the second. I’ve always been grateful to that science teacher for giving me that opportunity.] 

Related Reading:


Pseudo Self-Esteem vs. the Real Thing

The Comprachicos by Ayn Rand

Education: It’s the Philosophy, Stupid!


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