Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The Criminal Socialist Agenda Behind the ‘Anti-Racism’ Movement

If you oppose a single payer health care scheme, you are a racist. So Doctor Toby Terwilliger strongly implies in his New Jersey Star-Ledger guest column There’s no racial justice without health justice.

Like “climate crises” and the history re-writing 1619 Project, so-called “racial justice” is not what it implies. Just as the climate crisis is not about climate and the 1619 Project is not about slavery, so racial justice is not about color-blind law. It is about advancing a criminal--that is, state-imposed--socialism on all Americans. 

And what justification does Terwilliger offer? Statistics, the last refuge of damned liars. Terwilliger trots out stats showing “disparities” in healthcare outcomes between racial groups. Statistics tell you nothing about individuals that make up the groups, of course. But of course collectivists don’t care about actual individual human beings.

It’s true that some people can’t afford the best healthcare, or even adequate healthcare. Like any other good or service, stuff costs money. But not being able to afford something does not give you the right to steal from others. Burglars do that. A just person does not. Nor does a just person expect the government to steal on his behalf. Al Capones use proxies, or hired guns. That is not a just government. 

Plenty can be done to reduce the massive government interference that makes healthcare so expensive, such as health insurance mandates and restrictions on competition like licensing restrictions and Certificates-of-Need imposed on providers. Terwilliger cites one big problem, caused by the government, “the marriage of insurance with employment,” that is easily rectified by reducing, not increasing, government interference in healthcare. Why do you need to outlaw private health insurance to end that? Just eliminate the tax preferences that effectively prevent health insurance from being portable, like homeowners, life, and auto insurance. 

Plenty can be done to increase health insurance affordability. But affordability is not the single payer’s goal. The motive is much more sinister--egalitarianism. Economic inequality, including healthcare outcome inequality, is a fact of life and natural consequence of individual liberty. Any attempt to equalize health outcomes between groups--eliminating “disparities in health outcomes,” as Terwilliger puts it--necessarily means cutting away healthcare from everyone who has good coverage, in order to cut everyone down to equally mediocre healthcare. Hence, take away the best health insurance in America, private health insurance. If you’ve achieved something good, you are necessarily unequal to those who haven’t. You must be punished. This, I submit, is the essence of injustice. Equality in any aspect other than equality of individual rights before the law, including rights to property and trade, is unjust.

About 180 million Americans have private health insurance, albeit heavily regulated insurance. As Terwilliger points out, 80% of black Americans are insured. Many, no doubt, are among those with private health insurance--the very insurance single payer would outlaw. Do they have a choice? Not all black lives, it seems, matter to Black Lives Matter.

Don’t think socialized medicine is the only goal of the “anti-racists.” Terwilliger writes:

The May 25th murder of George Floyd, have forced a national reckoning with our history of racism and injustice. The Black Lives Matter movement has dramatically shifted public opinion and has awakened a renewed sense of urgency to confront racism head-on. The movement has rightfully been indignant of police brutality and a broken criminal justice system. But the fight for racial justice cannot stop there. Black lives must be seen to matter in education, housing, the workplace, and all other facets of life if we can ever hope to achieve racial justice.

[My emphasis]

If racial justice matters in education, the workplace, housing, and all other facets of life in the same way as it should matter in healthcare, the result will be totalitarian socialism. America will become one huge slave plantation. The Confederate intellectual George Fitzhugh called slavery “the best form of socialism”. Marxism simply expanded the concept to the entire society, replacing the plantation master with the state as the owner of the slave (page 20-22). The slave never has to “choose between putting food on the table or paying for their child’s medications.” No more job worries. No more mundane need to make budgeting decisions. The state takes care of it all. 

Under single payer healthcare, the state calls the shots. The medical profession is enslaved. If the single payer concept is extended to “all other facets of life,” in the name of racial justice, where does that leave America? The “national reckoning with our history of racism and injustice” that so many Americans are blindly falling all over themselves to show support for is a criminal socialist Trojan Horse. The re-mainstreaming of race and racism is geared to guilting Americans into accepting full-blown socialism. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Related Reading:

The Only Obamacare Fix Is For Obama To Legalize Real Health Insurance by Paul Hsieh

The Racism of the ‘Anti-Racists’

Moral Health Care vs. “Universal Health Care” by Lin Zinser and Paul Hsieh for The Objective Standard

1 comment:

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