Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The Racism of the 'Anti-Racists': 'This New America' - Apartheid?

This is a followup to my post of August 16, 2020. It’s another example of the New Racism of the Left.

Excerpt from In risky bid, Trump stokes racial rancor to motivate voters By JONATHAN LEMIRE for AP

President Donald Trump is wielding America’s racial tensions as a reelection weapon, fiercely denouncing the racial justice movement on a near-daily basis with language stoking white resentment and aiming to drive his supporters to the polls.

The incendiary discourse is alarming many in his own party and running contrary to the advice of some in his inner circle, who believe it risks alienating independent and suburban voters. It’s a pattern that harks back to cultural divisions Trump similarly exploited in his victorious 2016 campaign.

“It’s not about who is the object of the derision or the vitriol. The actual issue is understanding the appeal to white resentment and white fear,” said Eddie Glaude, chair of the Department of African American studies at Princeton University. “It’s all rooted in this panic about the place of white people in this new America.”

My emphasis. This premise smacks of apartheid. There is no “place” for white people--or any people based on their color or ethnicity, in America. America is not a caste society. Philosophically, it is a free nation based on inalienable individual rights, which means a country based on equality before the law. There is “a place” for every individual, equally, at all times--meaning, equally free from coercive interference based on our common individual human nature of reason and free will.

Lemire’s characterization of man as having a particular “place” based on color or some other tribal affiliation is a pre-civilized concept. Has he forgotten what that actually looks like in practice. How does Lemire intend to keep white people in their “place” in this “new” America? He can look no further than past American society and law. This is the premise that governed the Confederacy, which kept black people in their place in the Antebellum South--as slaves--and white people in their place--as masters. Or the Jim Crow era in the post-Civil War South, when black people were “kept in their place”, by law and often through brutality and violence, as second class citizens. There’s nothing new about Lemire’s “new America”.

In fact, what’s genuinely new, radically new, about America is its Founding principles centered around the principle of individualism, which threw out the tribalism that dominated human history. America finally liberated the individual, every individual, from the racial, economic, cultural, political, social, familial, and religious chains defined by their tribal affiliations--leaving them free to autonomously forge their own material, spiritual, and associational lives. No longer would people have to keep their “place”; for no one, including the government, had a right to determine anyone’s place. Lemire’s collectivist/apartheid worldview is regressive, and should be condemned by all true anti-racists.

Related Reading:

July 4, 1776: 'Words that Will Never Be Erased'

Individualism vs. Collectivism: Our Future, Our Choice—Craig Biddle

The 'New American Socialists' Dilemma: The Declaration is as much anti-Socialist as anti-Slavery

The Conscience of the Constitution: The Declaration of Independence and the Right to Liberty—Timothy Sandefur

Identity Politics: America’s ‘Pre-Existing Condition’, and the Cure

'I want out’: Under Americanism, You Can. But What If You ‘Want Out’ of the Left’s Statist Agenda?

Related Viewing:

by Onkar Ghate

1 comment:

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