Tuesday, August 4, 2020

QUORA: ‘Why is Ayn Rand contentious?’

I posted this answer:

The short answer is, because she challenged conventional “wisdom” on a number of fronts.

I would highlight two main challenges:

  • She developed a moral philosophy of rational self-interest based on science--that is, observation and logic validated by experience--challenging altruism and religion’s mystical monopoly on morality. 

  • Following from that, she provided a moral defense of capitalism, challenging the socialists’ claim to the moral high ground. 

Her philosophy of reason, individualism, and capitalism is a direct alternative to the philosophical roots of religion and collectivism. It’s no surprise she is contentious. 

Related Reading:

—excerpts from Ayn Rand


  1. Ayn Rand was also challenger epistemologically and metaphysically, and even aesthetically. She challenged the whole realm of philosophy, all of it. That made her contentious with everybody.

    From pre-history, humans have operated on pseudo-philosophy, including that of Plato. Implicit philosophy, that is, actual philosophy, occasionally broke thru this sorcery (and I do mean sorcery). This moved humans out of the stone age and on into the historical era to the present.

    Aristotle gave the first substantial explicit dose of actual philosophy into human existence, with a little supplement, later, by Thomas Aquinas. John Locke and others, including the U.S. Founding Fathers, came in under that bar. All these people were contentious to some degree, because they challenged pseudo-philosophy. But they brought humans out of the stone age to the best of Western civilization.

    Ayn Rand became the master challenger of pseudo-philosophy, on all fronts. But, pseudo-philosophy has always retarded human progress to this moment and is now primed to roll it back to the dark ages, despite Ayn Rand. That's because there has been no cultural and physical followup on Objectivism or on reason in general.

    There will be no followup of consequence until there are enough people to do it to be a substantial physical and military power. It must be a followup which obliterates pseudo-philosophy and its physical effects. It takes more than reason or Objectivism. It takes physical power backed by reason and Objectivism. If that can be successfully expressed at the poles in elections, great. But, the exponents of pseudo-philosophy will never back down. They'll never go without a lethal fight to the finish, even after elections. They will commit crime and bring war on the streets. We must fittingly dispose of them.

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