Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Get Married, Have Babies . . . to Support Social Security?

Bob Hugin, the 2018 Republican candidate for U.S. senator from New Jersey, was the subject of a 6/28/18 N.J. Star-Ledger letter titled Hugin turns his back on GOP values. Observing that Hugin “proclaims himself to be pro-choice and pro-marriage equality,” the writer labels Hugin “a Democrat masquerading as a Republican.”  

No surprise. My focus is on the writer’s reasoning, which is not the usual religious objection to legalized abortion and gay marriage. The letter says:

Right now, America is in trouble because of an aging population. In terms of retirement, Social Security, Medicare, etc., there are not enough young people to sustain these important programs. The workforce also needs  more young people. The birth rate is low and the only thing growing our population is immigration. Yet we have a man running for Senate who wants to promote “choice” (abortion), thus killing off more of the next generation. Marriage equality is barren by its very nature and does not produce children, yet Hugin endorsers it. [sic]

Get that? Abortion and gay marriage should be outlawed because the elderly need ghe children to support them. What about the women and gay individuals whose freedom to pursue their individual happiness will be crushed? 

The evil of collectivism is laid bare here. To a collectivist, individual lives mean nothing. Instead of the mystical “abortion and gay marriage violates God’s law,” we are told that the collective needs supersede the individual rights of the young. 

The age problem is, of course, a problem created by the welfare state. Young people must be enslaved to the needs of the elderly, because the money paid in to Social Security and Medicare was not saved and invested but spent by Congress. Even if it were, these programs would still be immoral, albeit less bad than the current pay-as-you-go schemes.

The real horror is that the letter promotes slavery. But young people and gays are not slaves of “the workforce” or of the recipients of Social Security or Medicare. Women’s bodies do not belong to any other entity other than themselves as individuals. A gay person’s decision to marry is no one’s business, regardless of how “barren” anyone else claims marrage equality to be.

Collectivism is one of mankind’s darkest evils. This letter is an example of that truth.

Related Reading:

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