Saturday, March 21, 2020

Election 2020: The Pickpocket vs. the Murderer

J.D. Tuccille has captured my basic feelings on the choice that is shaping up for voters this year. Competing Brands of Authoritarianism Are All Trump and Democratic Candidates Offer, Tuccille correctly observes. “The real resistance,” he writes, “is made up of those who refuse to be governed by any of the wannabe rulers.”

I agree. There are three sides to this year’s election--Trump, the Democrat, and liberty. Tuccille goes on:

Do presidential debates have you considering likely places to stash your cash? Do political polling results have you contemplating waiting it all out in a mountain retreat? Rest assured that you're not overreacting; you're sensibly responding to a political culture that has turned very welcoming to authoritarian candidates and intrusive policies.

Where I differ from Tuccille is captured in my comments posted to the article:

I agree with Tuccille’s basic premise. But the two sides cannot be equivocated. The Democratic Party is now defined as socialist, which by definition means totalitarian. The Republican Party has picked up the mantle of welfare state capitalism. In terms of authoritarianism, comparing the Trump Republican Party to the Democratic Party is like comparing a pickpocket to a murderer.

It’s not time to head for a mountain retreat. We do face a genuine choice—voting for the lesser of two evils. And there is a lesser of two evils. It’s obviously Donald Trump. 

To be sure, there are really three sides--Trump, the Democrat, and Americanism. Trump is not the president to reverse the march toward authoritarianism in America. But a continuation of the Trump Administration can delay it or at least slow it down, giving the forces of liberty more time to fight back.

At this juncture, it looks to me like (ARRGGHH!) Donald Trump -- 2.0

Related Reading:


  1. What will fighting back consist of? Will it consist of talking, ideas, voting, offering 'reason'? We've been biding time, hoping for a little more time pending the next election, in all these ways for over 100 years, and losing all the way. We must fight back by IMPOSING reason, in action, not by words, ideas, voting, etc. Words, etc., moves nobody. Action moves people. You know what I mean. And I mean it! Report me to the 'authorities'. I don't care! I'll be waiting for them.

  2. The signal that it is time to move beyond words, ideas, and voting will be when the First Amendment is neutered. That time has not arrived. True, politicians are aching to curtail free speech, press, assembly, and petition. The good news is that the courts are by and large on the side of the First Amendment. Just recently, an anti-free speech law in NJ was attacked in the courts by Left and Right, and the courts agreed with them. (

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