Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Did Trump’s Defense Production Act Invocation Clear the Way for the Democrats’ ‘Climate Crisis’ Authoritarianism?

Did Trump’s Defense Production Act Invocation Clear the Way for the Democrats’  ‘Climate Crisis’ Authoritarianism?

The COVID-19 pandemic has gotten me thinking, and increasingly worried about the post-pandemic fallout.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, President Donald Trump declared a “national emergency.” But he also invoked the Defense Production Act (DPA), opening up broad rights-violating emergency powers. A former Clinton Administration official who supports Trumps declaration nonetheless acknowledges that the DPA gives the Federal Government “a sword of Damocles authority” over industry. Trump already ordered car-maker “General Motors to manufacture ventilators to help handle the surge of coronavirus patients, using his power under the Defense Production Act,” reported the Washington Post. The Defense Production Act?

How our governments are reacting to the coronavirusIt remains to be judged. That’s a debate for another day. 

But, the Defense Production Act? This got me speculating about what might happen if (when?) a Democrat wins the presidency. Has Republican President Donald Trump provided a roadmap and precedent for the totalitarian Left? The criminal socialist Left has latched on to climate change as a path to power, alternately invoking the labels “climate crisis” and “climate emergency.” In fact, there is already a Climate Emergency Campaign going on. The Green New Deal goes beyond climate. It contains a laundry list of authoritarian socialist initiatives. And to implement the Deal, it calls for a government imposed “national mobilization”—read totalitarian government control—effort.

Will the Democrats have the nerve to invoke these emergency powers to ram the Green New Deal, or something worse, down our throats? Why not. Democrats first agitated for Trump to invoke the DPA to battle coronavirus, and he breezily succumbed. The Defense Production Act (DPA) was enacted in 1950 in response to the Korean War. It is an act geared toward national defense, and only national defense. But in pressuring Trump, the Democrats could be disingenuously doing so to establish the precedent they need to impose their criminal socialist agenda under cover of their climate emergency. 

Remember, the Democratic Party is a socialist political party. Socialism in the political sense is a centrally planned economy in which the government controls all means of production, from which no one can escape. 

The Democrats’ Green New Deal already envisions a World War II-like central mobilization of the nation. The chance of them getting away with the authoritarian scheme has now gone from slim to likely, in my view. Who could stand in the Democrats' way, and on what grounds, after a Republican president sets the precedent of stretching the DPA to the point of virtually unlimited usage? Under cover of a health crisis, Trump declared himself “a wartime president,” and justified his invoking of the DPA as "essential to the national defense"!!! If the Defense Production Act can be invoked in response to a health emergency, then why not in a climate emergency, or any event that any future president decides to attach the emergency label too? 

I’m no legal or constitutional expert. But Trump’s invoking of the DPA without getting Congressional authorization seems to be illegal and unconstitutional. If allowed to stand, Trump’s invoking of the DPA will set a dangerous precedent. It will effectively allow any future president to declare a dictatorship virtually at will. I hope Congress revisits the DPA, and the courts declare its use by Trump to have been unconstitutional. If not, it will be a major and possibly fatal blow to our freedom and constitutional governance.

Related Reading:

The Crisis of Socialism--Stephen R. Hicks


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