Saturday, January 25, 2020

QUORA: ‘What are some of the best, specific arguments for capitalism and against communism?’

I posted this answer:

The best argument for capitalism and against communism is the most fundamental philosophical argument, from which all specific arguments follow--the moral argument. 

Capitalism—by which I mean fully free laissez-faire capitalism, not the “welfare capitalism” or mixed economies or crony “capitalism” we see today—is based on the Enlightenment ideal of individualism. Individualism holds that the standard of moral value is the individual, which leads to economic, political, and intellectual freedom based on inalienable individual rights to life, liberty, earned property, free trade, and the personal pursuit of happiness—secured by a government instituted and constitutionally limited for the purpose of protecting that freedom.

Communism (as a social-economic-political system) is based on collectivism, which holds that the standard of moral value is the group or collective, as represented by the state. Under communism, all “rights” are vested in the collective--the individual has no rights--so any individual[s] may be sacrificed for whatever purpose the state deems to be in the interest of the general or common good of the collective (society, the proletariat, etc.) it represents. 

Capitalism means each person has a moral and legal right to live for himself. Communism means each person’s only moral and legal purpose for existing is to live for others. That is the basic divide--and for anyone who values human life, the best argument “for capitalism and against communism.”

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