Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Weather Treason @ The NJ Star-Ledger

On 9/4/2019, as Hurricane Dorian churned along the U.S. East Coast, the New Jersey Star-Ledger's Tom Moran asserted that The Bahamas is paying for our sins. His opening remarks:

The people of the Bahamas have a moral right, if not a legal one, to demand damages from the United States for our leading role in the ruination of the planet’s weather systems. They are paying a steep price today for our sins as Hurricane Dorian pounds them, leaving death and ruin in its wake.

I posted these comments:

There is as much bad as good from the Trump Administration. Trump’s energy policies top the good. His approach to climate is to integrate the vital role of energy to human well-being into his calculations, and to “first do no harm” in addressing environmental and climate issues.

What do we get from the opposition? A utopian agenda to transform American society from the top down, based on hysterical claims of imminent catastrophe from climate witch doctors intended to panic Americans into voting for a huge step toward tyranny. The new utopians demand huge new powers for government to seize our wealth and clamp vast new controls on economic activity. Climate change is a political tactic which the utopians openly tell us is, as Bernie Sanders said recently, really just the foundation for a socialist America.

America’s “sin” is to be a bastion of enough economic freedom to produce prosperity based on production of huge volumes of plentiful, reliable energy. Prosperity gives humans much better capabilities to cope with and recover from the inevitable extremes of Earth’s weather systems. America is a leader in forging that prosperity. And for that “sin”, the new socialists, on the altar of the witch doctors of climate doom, want to sacrifice Americans’ remaining freedom and wealth.

The Democrats competing to outdo each other in forging totalitarian utopian schemes to impose on America, in the name of “climate crisis.” The latest—Booker’s proposal to ban all fracking, the miraculous new technology that has unleashed vast new supplies of lifegiving cheap energy. Democrats are truly a sociopathic party. There is only one word for Moran’s opening paragraph--betrayal, if not outright treason. On balance, Trump is giving us a more sane U.S. energy policy. 


Moran’s column is not what’s really shocking. What’s shocking is how many Americans are succumbing to the hysteria.

Related Reading:

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