Friday, September 13, 2019

Sanders Reaffirms His Totalitarian Bonafides

In her Bloomberg article of 8/22/19, Bernie Sanders Would Put the U.S. Government in the Wind Farm Business, Jennifer A Dlouhy reports:

Bernie Sanders wants renewable energy to power U.S. homes and vehicles by 2030 -- and he wants to do it by enlisting the federal government in building and running new solar, wind and geothermal electricity projects.

Addressing the climate crisis is a “moral imperative” that requires “a wholesale transformation of our society,” including “massive investments in sustainable energy, energy efficiency and a transformation of our transportation system,” the Sanders campaign said in a document describing the initiative.

Note Dlouhy’s use of the word “including”. I added my emphasis to highlight the real purpose of the Democrats’ “climate crisis” agenda, which is a wholesale transformation of our society into a socialist dictatorship. Dlouhy later reports:

Like Ocasio-Cortez’s blueprint, Sanders sees his ambitious programs to combat global warming as the foundation of a more just and equitable society, in keeping with his Democratic Socialist agenda of racial equality, moderately priced housing and Medicare for All. [My emphasis. See below]

Sanders doesn’t just want government to finance this energy transformation. He calls for government ownership of the renewable power industry, while effectively putting the fossil fuel industry out of business: 

Sanders would harness the resources of the U.S. government itself to generate renewable power that would be “publicly owned.”

Sanders would pay for his proposals in part by targeting fossil fuel companies -- ending tax incentives for oil, gas and coal extraction while using “litigation, fees and taxes” to make the industry “pay for their pollution.”

“Foundation” means starting point. The socialists want the gun power of government to “solve” the “climate crisis” through a takeover of the energy industry. Their takeover of the energy industry means a takeover of the entire economy because, as Alex Epstein has observed in his testimony before Congress, energy is the industry that powers every other industry. A takeover is what socialism is, and that requires totalitarian powers.

Sanders is not saying anything new, of course. He and his ilk in America and around the world, from Ocasio-Cortez to the U.N., have been telling us point blank that their climate agenda is merely a path to socialism.  

Related Reading:

Centrally planning the climate will work about as well as centrally planning economies did. 

If there is one positive thing the Green New Deal does, it’s that it brings to light the fact that much of the environmentalist agenda is just a thinly veiled vehicle for implementing far-left socialism.


  1. They say if all the democratic contenders dropped out except Biden, Sanders and Liza Warren, Biden wouldn't have a chance. If so, that must be because Biden ain't radical progressive/socialist enough, but a moderate, instead. But, if that's the case, what difference does it make with any or all of the others staying in the race for nomination? Biden would still be the least radical and the moderate among a bunch of radical leftists, so what's his chance of being nominated? No chance, if all this is true.

    But, even if he's a moderate, he's much worse than Trump. So, I'd rather see the most radical of the radicals get the democratic nomination, just to maximize the contrast between Trump and the democrats. I think that would maximize Trump's chances of being reelected, unless the people of this country really are as gone as I fear they are.

  2. True. It looks like Liz "Benito" Warren is beginning to consolidate as the frontrunner.
