Saturday, May 18, 2019

Why I Will Never Vote for a Democrat

In a 5/3/19 front page article for the New Jersey Star-Ledger, Pallone, with new power, steers strategy on health care and climate, Tom Moran reports:

Ask Congressman Frank Pallone about the progressive push on Medicare for All, and he waves his hand as if swatting away a buzzing fly.

“It’s not something I can accomplish,” he says. “We can’t prioritize that because we have to prioritize things we can actually do.”

The same goes for the Green New Deal, the other bookend of the progressive agenda being pushed by the likes of Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. That stuff is fine for the cable TV shows, but it doesn’t much interest Pallone.

“I don’t focus on that because I’m trying to focus on bills,” he says.

That says it all.

In January, Pallone became chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which deals with climate and health care legislation. As Moran reports, Pallone is an advocate of Canadian-style single-payer health care. He has never met  “climate legislation” he couldn’t support. “Don’t mistake Pallone for a timid centrist,” says Moran. “He is a full-speed progressive. . .”

Keep that in mind when you hear that the ascendant far-Left, openly socialist wing of the Democratic Party can’t get any traction because of “moderate” Democrats. That may be true in the short term. But the so-called moderates are merely pragmatic socialists, who want to “get things done”--that is, get us to full-throated socialism in piecemeal legislative fashion.

Don’t be fooled by the many Democrats who shun the socialist label. Socialism is deeply embedded in the Party’s ideological DNA. On documenting the early 19th Century Owenite and Fourier socialistic movements of 1824 and 1842, respectively, historian John Humphrey Noyes observes that “their ideas actually got a foot-hold and influence in the great Democratic Party” (History of American Socialisms, P.23). The entire modern Democratic Party is firmly collectivist. The socialists have for 200 years been in control of the party’s long-term agenda. The moderates are facilitating, not blocking, that trend. To be sure, the Republican Party is also facilitating the socialist trend. As Democrats abandon welfare statism and embrace socialism, the GOP is abandoning its free market roots and is now the welfare state party.

But the Republican Party is far less bad, and still open to re-embracing free market capitalism. The Democratic Party was created nearly 200 years ago explicitly to repudiate America’s constitutional republican philosophical roots in favor of a radical reinterpretation of America as a democracy in order to defend and save slavery. It deliberately repudiated the idea that all men are created equal and possessing inalienable individual rights, as stated in America’s foundational philosophic document, the Declaration of Independence. The Democratic Party was born of philosophic treason. It has not changed its stripes, fundamentally. It is hopelessly unredeemable. Moderates notwithstanding, when you vote for a Democrat, you are helping to bring to power a gang with totalitarian socialist designs on America.

This is why I will never vote for a Democrat.

Related Reading:

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