Tuesday, February 26, 2019

QUORA: “What exactly do ‘Democratic Socialists’ want?”

I posted this answer:

Political power.

Before we go further, let’s define what we mean by “socialism”. The idea of socialism has been around for hundreds of years, at least since the original communist, Plato. The goals and principles of socialism can be and have been pursued and adopted in a variety of ways, including through voluntary associations. When we speak of socialism in the modern sense, we mean it in the full, political, totalitarian Marxian sense--the total subordination of the individual to “society” as represented by the state.

Democratic socialists are of the latter, Marxist sense. That’s why democratic socialists turn to politics. As a leading disciple of Karl Marx understood, “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” And so democratic socialists seek political power: Democratic socialism grows out of the barrel of a gun. It is, of necessity, totalitarian. Adding “democratic” in front of “socialism” changes essentially nothing. Freedom is not the right to vote. An elected dictator is still a dictator. Freedom is the right to live your life regardless of the results of any election.

Let’s examine a rising “star” of the Left, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez. The 28 year-old Cortez could have gone into a money making career, where she would have spent a lifetime earning a real living by creating real value for people willing to voluntarily pay her. Instead, she went into politics. What motivates an obviously ambitious, smart, talented young person into a “career” in politics? Raw, naked powerlust, as a reflection of an utter disregard of the rights of others to live by their own judgement and values--the power to legally force her values on everyone else.

So, given the choice between the field of economic power, which derives from voluntary, mutually beneficial trade, and the field of political power, Cortez and her socialist ilk choose political power. They bring nothing of economic value to the trade “table”; not goods or services, not jobs, not investment opportunity. The only thing they bring to society’s “table” is a gun—and a vision for how to run other people’s lives. Rather than choose a productive career, they opt to control those who produce.*

One can observe in concrete terms exactly what Democratic Socialists want by examining the avalanche of legislative bills they’re proposed or advocated since the midterm elections. All involve increasing economic controls and taxes that go well beyond the redistributive welfare state “safety net.” To “grease the skids” for their agenda, they seek more concentration of power in the federal government by demolishing the checks and balances put into place by the Founding Fathers to restrain government power.

But when you cut through the veneer of slogans, what you find under the surface of a socialist, democratic or otherwise, is naked powerlust. If this were not true, they wouldn’t choose a political “career.” Not content to solve what they see as problems by private means, with like-minded people, leaving those who disagree free to go their own way unmolested as other socialist-minded Americans have done in the past**, democratic socialists seek to force dissenters into subservience. Modern democratic socialists are more clever than their 20th century communist predecessors. They play the “long game,” sneaking in socialism piecemeal, in stages, and without--yet--the wholesale confiscation of private business and property. Their approach is more fascistic--that is, they seek control of business and the economy by regulation and taxation, rather than state ownership of “the means of production.” They are national socialists, not international socialists. But their essential collectivist goals are the same as the communists, driven by the age-old dream of all Marxists--some utopian vision for the wholesale reshaping of society by naked force, without regard for human nature and the consequences for actual individual human lives and their inalienable rights to life, liberty, property, and pursuit of happiness.

* [As to the millions who vote the socialists into power, they are more concerned with running other people’s lives than in preserving their rights to govern their own lives. Their motivations run from greed to envy. See my Quora answer to “What makes someone a socialist?”]

** [ See, for example, The Communistic Societies of the United States; Harmony, Oneida, the Shakers, and Others by Charles Nordhoff and History of American Socialisms by John Humphrey Noyes. Consider also the Israeli Kibbutz.]

*** [Quora is a social media website founded by two former Facebook employees. According to Wikipedia:

Quora is a question-and-answer website where questions are created, answered, edited and organized by its community of users. The company was founded in June 2009, and the website was made available to the public on June 21, 2010.[3]Quora aggregates questions and answers to topics. Users can collaborate by editing questions and suggesting edits to other users' answers.[4]

You can also reply to other users’ answers.]


  1. I haven't read this posting yet. Just what in the world does anybody think 'democratic socialists' want? They want totalitarian socialism. They want ALL power to the state over all human action and human relations. Now I'll read this posting, just in case I'm wrong.

  2. I've now read this posting. I'm not wrong. They want totalitarian socialism. They want ALL power to the state over all human action and human relations. Their motivation? Power lust? Yes, but that motivation comes from somewhere else. It comes from envy and ultimately, from their adherence to altruism. It's a moral issue. They adhere to the pseudo-morality of altruism.
