Sunday, December 2, 2018

'I want out’: Under Americanism, You Can. But What If You ‘Want Out’ of the Left’s Statist Agenda?

The image at the bottom of this blog post was displayed on her Facebook page by a far Left acquaintance of my wife and I. (I put the image at the bottom because I didn’t want to lead off this post with that garbage.) The acquaintance, a woman named Cynthia, captioned her post with this:

“This sums up my feelings for the past several years, possibly decades. I want out.”

This in really interesting. Cynthia “wants out.” But what is the only social condition that allows someone who wants out to actually opt out? A free society. In its Founding principles, America is the freest country ever. America guarantees every individual her inalienable rights to her own life, liberty, property, and pursuit of happiness. The government--again in accordance with America’s Founding philosophical ideals--protects these rights. You are free to pursue your own values, but not force your values on others--and vice-versa. If you “want out” of--want nothing to do with--other people’s schemes and plans, you can simply say “no” and go peaceably on your own way.

Now examine the diatribe below. To a Leftist--that is, a collectivist/statist--“the country”, i.e., the state, takes precedence over the individual and her rights. The state owns your life--which means, people like the Leftist Cynthia can use the government as their “hired gun” with which to force their values on everyone else whether they agree or not. If they want to “assist’ the poor, they get to force you to pay for it. That’s their world view. It is up to the government to manage food and healthcare assistance to the poor, to own and run the schools, to take care of unwanted babies, to dictate to farmers and other private industries how they run their businesses, etc.

What if you simply want to make your own choices on assistance to the poor or to the babies? On education? On your business? What if you “want out” of these government programs and regulations? Well, just try it! Just try not paying your taxes, or disobeying a regulation. You’ll be seized by armed agents of the government, fined and/or jailed and/or have your home seized for breaking their tax and regulatory laws. This, by the very government that Americanism holds should protect your rights to your life, liberty, and property.

The Left calls this “civilized.” Well, that’s tyranny--and today, the American Left wants plenty more of it. To the collectivist Left, every social problem, real or imagined, can only be dealt with by government coercion. There is no room for voluntary action; no room for anyone to choose for themselves with their own time, money, and effort. No room for freedom--or personal achievement; to them, private initiative and prosperity--capitalism--means destroying the Earth.

All of those tears in that frayed American flag in the image below? They represent the statists ripping America’s freedom ideals out from under us. Well, I want out of the collectivist tyranny of the Left. No one wants to “limit” assistance for anyone. We who value freedom and respect other people’s right to live by their own judgement want to limit (and end) government’s power to force other people’s choices on us. So, I’ll take Americanism. Cynthia and her ilk can opt out of America, go to Canada (or North Korea, for that matter), and take their socialist agenda with them. The rest of us who don’t “want out” can get to work restoring our constitutionally limited government and our freedoms and our inalienable rights in healthcare, education, charity, business, work, and other values.

Long live the “U.S. Empire”--a philosophical empire built on universal human values of freedom and individualism.

Related Reading:

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