Monday, October 29, 2018

Bernie Sanders’s Unjust Triple Tax Proposal

The upcoming midterm elections are more than ever a choice between capitalism and socialism. All elections from here on will be. So, it’s a good time to analyze some proposals by the man who brought socialism squarely into the political forefront.

Bernie Sanders proposed a tax on businesses to cover federal welfare payments any of their employees may receive. According to Business Insider:

Senator Bernie Sanders intends to introduce legislation that would require large companies like Amazon to pay a tax to cover the cost of federal assistance for their employees, The Washington Post reports. The intention is to incentivize large corporations to pay a fair living wage.

The bill would set a 100% tax on government assistance received by workers at companies with 500 or more employees. For example, if an Amazon worker were to get $300 in food stamps, Amazon would be taxed $300. Sanders intends to introduce the bill in the Senate on September 5. [It was introduced.]

So get this. Food Stamps and other welfare payouts are forced by government on the taxpayers who fund it. Shareholders, the owners of Amazon and other companies, already pay for these programs through their taxes. In fact, they pay double--first on profits their company earns via the corporate income tax, and again as individuals through personal income taxes on dividends and taxes on capital gains on their stock. Owners of Amazon already pay double tax, some of which goes to pay for these government programs. Now, Sanders wants to tax them a third time for their company’s crime of hiring people at a mutually agreed-upon compensation that happens to be at a level politicians like Sanders believes entitles them to cash in on welfare programs imposed on taxpayers by these very same politicians!

Sanders’s proposed welfare business tax is a gross miscarriage of justice.

Furthermore, as noted by many economists, it is a jobs tax. Sanders’s proposal would tax low-wage jobs, disincentivizing companies from hiring low-wage workers. By killing low-wage jobs, this would make it that much harder for inexperienced people to enter the workforce. Is Sanders just ignorant on economics? Hardly. He is ready with his federal jobs guarantee proposal, which proposes to guarantee a high-paying job to anyone unable to find work in the private sector. Sanders is disingenuous, having it both ways. Either companies pay higher taxes, which he loves. Or they kill jobs, sending more people into government dependency. Either way, Bernie Sanders the socialist wins. Either way, productive taxpayers lose, along with another piece of our freedom as the private economy is further crippled.

Keep in mind that Bernie Sanders is an admitted socialist. He is only interested in moving America step by step into totalitarianism. It’s what socialists do, because that is what socialism is. Sanders is a Democrat, a political party increasingly open about its socialist designs on America. Keep this in mind as you go to the polls.

Related Reading:

1 comment:

  1. Socialist designs on America? Yes. But socialism is crime. These are criminal designs on America, by the most master, highest order criminal kingpins.
