Monday, April 9, 2018

On TrumpCare’s ‘Cut’ to Medicaid, and Other Matters

From the New Jersey Star-Ledger’s Trumpcare blocks millions from drug treatment. Where is Christie?, published last March (2017):

President Donald Trump and Gov. Chris Christie both promised to do absolutely everything in their power to fight the opioid epidemic.

"You cannot let people die on the street, OK?" Trump said in a February 2016 town hall. "The problem is that everybody thinks that you people, as Republicans, hate the concept of taking care of people that are really, really sick and are gonna die. We gotta take care of people that can't take care of themselves."

He repeated that promise after he was elected, as did Christie, who vowed to devote the remainder of his term as governor to the anti-opioid cause.

I left these comments, edited for clarity:

So what’s the problem? Trump and Christie are a couple of welfare statists—kindred spirits of the Star-Ledger and the Democrats. They have no problem with forcing other people to pay for their idea of “taking care of people.”

They’re just not as extreme as their more Leftist comrades would like.

TrumpCare (ObamaCare without Obama) will preserve the Medicaid program in its immoral forced wealth redistribution form. The problem is, the Left welfare statists are so wedded to government handouts and hateful of productive people that they can’t stomach any suggestion of any cuts to any redistribution program. Trump merely proposes to “cut”—which usually means to reduce the growth rate of (all of these welfare state systems automatically grow each year)—Medicaid and hand the money to the states, so they can prioritize their Medicaid spending within some semblance of budgetary restraint like any productive household has to do.

What’s wrong with that? Plenty, according to those who have never given a thought to those who are forced to foot the bill. TrumpCare will simply roll back some tax and spending increases put in by ObamaCare. But increases are always good. “Cuts” are always bad. No matter what. You have no right to what you earn. But the sky’s the limit on taking others’ earnings if you “need” it. “More people on the dole—the more the better.” That’s the more consistent Left’s mantra.

Related Reading:

Christie’s Insurance Mandate is a ‘Teachable Moment’

Don’t Blame Republicans for Failure to Repeal Obamacare—Harry Binswanger for The Objective Standard

Democrats Will be a Lot Less Disappointed in Trump than They Think.

GOP ObamaCare Repeal: The Left Opposes Cuts in Spending and Controls—What’s New?

From RomneyCare Without Romney to ObamaCare Without Obama?

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to see how the left would respond if Trump said let's actually CUT back on Medicaid as part of a long term program to eliminate Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security, plus the countless other illegitimate government incursions, in the name of unalienable individual rights. Conservatives would respond almost the same way. Of course, we know why we won't see those responses for the far distant future.
