Monday, January 1, 2018



  1. We get cold waves like this from time to time. They're nothing new, true. But, since 1962, we've seen lots of cold waves worse than this one. In northern Indiana, where I was living then, we had 2 months when the high temperature rarely got up to 20, for 2 winters in a row, in the late 1970's. It dropped to -20 several times. That says nothing about Minnesota and N. Dakota. Western N. Carolina, where I live now, didn't even fare much better in the late 1970's. Early in the decade of 2000, it got down colder than -50 several times in northern Minnesota. In 1994, it got down to -34 in Bloomington, IN, in the southern part of the state, where I lived at the time. That tends to make up for any slight warming of the climate.

  2. Postafazoola! I meant to post my comment, above, to the 1/2/18 posting, not to this one, of 1/1/18. Oh well, no big deal.

  3. Yep. No big deal. Thanks for contributing.
