Wednesday, December 27, 2017

GOP’s ‘Horrid’ Tax Bill Exposes Monstrousness of ObamaCare

A monstrous tax bill that wounds Obamacare, too

That’s the New Jersey Star-Ledger’s editorial page editor Tom Moran:

The best estimate is that 13 million Americans will lose coverage, and the rest will see premiums jump by about 10 percent. In New Jersey alone, 340,000 would lose coverage. 
In its final form, the tax bill eliminates the mandate to buy insurance coverage under Obamacare. Millions of people with limited incomes are likely to take advantage and opt out, since the monthly premium is a genuine burden, even after federal subsidies. Younger and healthier people will be the first to go, since they aren't as dependent on regular care. 
Remember, Republicans tried to kill Obamacare outright in July but couldn't muster the votes for such a brutal move. So now, they are trying to squeeze the life out of it slowly, as a python would.

I left this comment:

13 million Americans will not “lose coverage.” 13 million Americans, freed from the mandate, will have the option to buy or not to buy without the thuggish coercion of the tax fine hanging over their heads. The estimate that 13 million Americans were not free “to take advantage and opt out” exposes the evil of ObamaCare. I’ll agree that the Republicans didn’t have the guts to repeal ObamaCare outright, and replace it with genuine free market reforms that could have greatly expanded health insurance options while dramatically lowering the cost. Their method is sneaky like a snake. A broad-based, transparent reform should have accompanied the repeal of the mandate. But that aside, the mere fact that more individual liberty would “squeeze the life out of” ObamaCare is the worst indictment of that monstrous law one could imagine; proof that ObamaCare is contrary to the principles of a free society, immoral, and should be repealed.


One of the reasons why “the rest will see premiums jump by about 10 percent” is because young people were forced to buy overpriced policies to subsidize those premiums. Which begs the question: how did our health insurance premiums become so wrapped up in Washington tax politics? Welcome to government controlled healthcare.

Related Reading:

In ObamaCare Repeal Debate, Who is the Real ‘Taker’

Replacing ObamaCare Should Mean Replacing Government Planning With Individual Planning

1 comment:

  1. ObamaCare is contrary to law and government. It wasn't put out by law and government, but by a criminal regime as per its criminal plan. ObamaCare is crime by criminal plan, and its proponents are criminals, even your next door neighbor or members of your immediate family, and you or any individual who laps it up.
