Monday, January 13, 2014

Free Market Education is the Best "Defense Strategy"

In Defense Strategy: Preschool, retired U.S. Navy admiral John C. Harvey Jr. argues for tax-funded, universal government preschool as the solution to a serious problem: 

". . . 75 percent of Americans, from 17 to 24, cannot qualify for military service many because they are academically unprepared. In New Jersey, 17 percent of high school students do not graduate on time and 27 percent of graduates who try to enlist cannot score highly enough on military exams."

I left these comments:

It is widely acknowledged that, after more than a century of broad-based, universal K-12 government schooling, U.S. children on average still don't receive an adequate education and many receive a dismal education or even none at all. This, despite enormous sums of taxpayer money showered on the public education establishment.

And the solution is to expand government control of education to preschool? Must those who failed be rewarded with more control? 

We need not just fresh but revolutionary thinking on this subject. How about a free market in education, where the moral rights of parents to control their children's education is reasserted, and educators vie for their business through robust competition on price, quality, and a long-neglected but crucial ingredient—educational philosophy? 

I greatly appreciate your service, admiral Harvey. America's military protects this country, which was conceived and founded on a revolutionary ideal; individual rights and limited, rights-protecting government. Let's honor that ideal by expanding individual liberty in education. Rather than expand government education, the solution is to expand the opportunities for parents to get their children out of government schools. I laid out a plan for free market education that would greatly expand the opportunities for parents in all income brackets to choose private education in this article for The Objective Standard:

Toward a Free Market in Education: School Vouchers or Tax Credits?

Related Reading:

My replies to Objective Standard correspondents relating to Toward a Free Market in Education: School Vouchers or Tax Credits?

1 comment:

  1. Maybe the U. S. military academies, where most flag officers get their academic educations, should review their educational philosophies, and all other philosophies
