Saturday, December 21, 2013

Work is a Requirement of Nature—Whether Yours or Someone Else's

In an 8/22/13 NJ Star-Ledger letter titled Likes tuition-free plan, Dick Haupt voiced support for a college tuition payment plan advanced by NJ Senate president Stephen Sweeney, which would allow students to attend college tuition-free—at taxpayer expense—and in return for agreeing to "pay back" the expense from their future salaries. 

Haupt wrote, in part:

Students suffer trying to attend classes and work one or two jobs to cover costs, while trying to keep up with their studies.
There also should be no interest on college loans. Our country gives away billions of dollars; it is immoral to continue this practice .
I left these comments:

"Students suffer trying to attend classes and work one or two jobs to cover costs, while trying to keep up with their studies."

What about the taxpayers who would be forced to foot the bill for the "tuition-free plan?" Do they not "suffer" with having to work while trying to keep up with their life's many other concerns?

Like it or not, nature provides nothing for free. Every product and service humans need and desire, including education, must be produced by someone's work. There are only two ways to get what you need to live and flourish; work for it yourself, or get it from others. If you choose to get it from others, there are only two alternatives; voluntary charity or forcibly taking it (looting and slavery). Only working for it yourself or asking for voluntary help are moral. 

As to the $billions our government gives away in foreign aid, it is immoral because paid for by taxes.

Related Reading:

From Middle Class to Welfare Class

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