Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Star-Ledger's Thanksgiving Tantrum

Macy's surrenders, will open on Thanksgiving, blared a recent NJ Star-Ledger editorial. "Thanksgiving should be left for family togetherness and gratitude, loads of food and football," declared the editors. Instead, the opening of stores on Thanksgiving Day "forces many store employees to cut their holiday short and go to work."

You can read the whole thing if you want. As for me, I had a little fun with it, with these comments:

And the Star-Ledger accuses the Tea Party of throwing a Tantrum!?!

What's so bad about commercialization (production and trade) and profit-seeking beginning late on the very day that we celebrate the fruits of commercialization, our hard work, and profit-seeking? 

Maybe some people would rather do something other than vegetate in front of the TV, watching one boring football game after another. And where did all of that food come from? The commercialized, profit-seeking food industry. And what is football, with all of those advertisements and highly-paid athletes and exorbitantly priced tickets and concessionary stands? Maybe some people would rather shop together rather than vegetate together. 

Rather than lament Macy's's decision, we should be lamenting the thugs in Maine, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island who want to legally stop people from voluntarily engaging in trade on Thanksgiving. Imagine that. Tyranny on the day we should be grateful for the fruits of liberty. What's next? Mandated football watching? Or maybe football should be banned on Thanksgiving Day. What about all of those football stadium employees who are "forced" " to cut their holiday short and go to work." There are too many busybodies in this nation trying to impose their values on everyone else—at the point of a gun. 

The editors should—how do people put it?—GET A LIFE. Leave the businesses, their employees, and their shoppers to make their own voluntary choices on Thanksgiving Day, others to enjoy their togetherness in front of a televised football game, and the rest of us to celebrate Thanksgiving as we please.

As for me, I won't be going anywhere near any of these stores, because I hate to shop, especially in a crowded store. I won't be watching football, either (as you might have guessed). I'll be eating, chatting with my family, playing games with my grandchildren, and probably finding some time to comment on another of my favorite newspaper's editorials.

Related Reading:

A Thanksgiving Message

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