Monday, February 4, 2013

Epstein on Hollywood's Slanderous Anti-Fracking "Promised Land"

"The story of hydraulic fracturing (frac'ing) is one of the most important stories of our time," writes energy expert Alex Epstein in his review of the movie "Promised Land." "It needs to be told far and wide–and certainly by our top talent in Hollywood.”

Hydraulic Fracturing technology is decades old, and businessmen, scientists, and engineers have greatly improved the process over the years. Today, when combined with revolutionary horizontal drilling techniques, it enables energy companies to extract vast quantities of oil and natural gas from rock layers deep underground. “Promised Land” purports to tell the story of "frac'ing" (more commonly called "fracking") through the characters Steve Butler (played by Matt Damon), who attempts to convince a town to allow it, and Dustin Noble (John Krasinski), who opposes it.

“Promised Land,” Epstein says, “is a shameful smear-job” that vastly exaggerates what it calls the “mortal danger” of fracking while providing no evidence to back up its claims; assertions such as “There are people all over the country whose water is being contaminated. . . .”

What does the film say about the positive case for fracking? Other than that some people can make some money, nothing. It makes no attempt to “explain the staggering improvements to human life this technology is bringing about,” or how the industry works to minimize risk and mitigate the damage when something does go wrong; of which, Epstein notes, “for a pervasive technology there are shockingly few instances.”

There’s much more. Epstein’s in-depth review, Dishonest Land: Hollywood’s “Promised Land” Slanders the Frac’ing Revolution, is well worth reading.

“[O]ur basic attitude toward the [hydraulic fracturing] industry,” Epstein argues, “should be one of gratitude.” We also owe a debt of gratitude to Alex Epstein, founder of the Center for Industrial Progress, for working tirelessly to get the truth out about hydraulic fracturing.

Related Reading:

"Fracking's" Knee-Jerk Enemies

Cheers to the Heroes Driving America's Oil and Gas Boom

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