Saturday, February 16, 2013

Blaming the Victims: Corporate Executives Fighting Back Against Government Power are Courageous

The NJ Star-Ledger keeps piling on the criticism in Whole Foods and Other CEOs Keep Piling on ObamaCare. Executives of Whole Foods, Denny's, Applebee's, Darden Restaurants (Olive Garden and Red Lobster), and Papa John’s have publicly criticized ObamaCare, some stating that they may reduce the hours of some employees, or reduce staff and hiring, to avoid ObamaCare mandates. In particular, the editors ridiculed these CEO’s use of the terms “government control of the means of production,” “fascism,” and “socialism” to describe ObamaCare.

Here are my comments:

It is indeed heartening to see some CEOs risk regulatory reprisals and customer backlash by speaking out against ObamaCare's massive expansion of government control of healthcare, including its intrusion into their businesses. They are courageous dissenters to whom anyone who values their freedom should be grateful.

And, despite Mackey’s unfortunate backpedaling, they speak the truth. (Mackey didn’t actually deny the essence of what he said: He merely regretted his “poor word choice.”) The editors apparently believe that definitions are not objective, but based upon subjective whim. Socialism is not socialism, and fascism is not fascism, as long as we don’t call it that.

But, political concepts have meanings, and consequences. The essential economic nature of fascism is indeed government control of the means of production, while leaving ownership superficially in private hands. It is socialism through the back door--using private business as the conduit for socialist government policies. We deny the progressive rise of fascism in this country at our peril.

Kudos to the businessmen who speak out against ObamaCare, and accurately name its true nature. They are likely just the tip of the iceberg. As more and more employers drop employee health insurance as rates skyrocket under ObamaCare, look for the S-L and its Leftist ilk to ramp up the blame game against the victims--”greedy” businessmen.

The editors also note that these companies experienced a drop in “consumer perception,” according to surveys. This may or may not be true, and may or may not have led to a drop in sales. But if it’s true, it’s a bad sign for the future of this country. A healthy cultural respect for freedom would have generated public support for these embattled CEOs.

Related Reading:

The Whole Foods Alternative to ObamaCare, by Craig Biddle

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