Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Commentary 39- The "Diversity" Fraud

Diane Schwartz has recently published two articles over at NJVoices. In the first, she extols the virtues of so-called "diversity." In the second, Ms. Schwartz laments "hate and discrimination." These essays cry out for rebuttal, especially considering how many Americans have swallowed the collectivist line implicit in the acceptance of diversity as a value.

The diversity movement and its correlary, multiculturalism, represent direct assaults on America's unique, though battered and bruised, culture of reason, individualism and capitalism. As such, they deserve a much more thorough examination than provided here (which I hope to tackle in the future). In my commentary, I touch upon the actual meaning of diversity, and show why the basic premise underlying the diversity ideology leads to the opposite of the advocates' alleged goal of “tolerance.” Here are some excerpts:

…the basic premise underlying diversity theory is the same premise as that which fosters discrimination, prejudice and stereotyping. That premise is racism…

The diversity movement…wants to fight "discrimination, prejudice and stereotypical behaviors" based on race, ethnicity, and cultural categorizing everyone according to race, ethnicity, and cultural heritage.

There is only one true diversity...intellectual diversity. And the intellect is the property of the individual, and only the individual. By equating beliefs and ability...i.e., an individual's character...with uncontrollable traits like race undermines and destroys people as individuals…

To read the articles and my full commentary, click here.


  1. Excellent commentary. I enjoyed reading the whole kit and kaboodle at the site.

  2. I worked 15 years in a major corporation before becoming a stay at home Mom to my 3 children and would always try to pinpoint why the diversity, multicultural, and EEO programs within were a complete failure. The positions were staffed by people hired to do something within the corporation and when that didn't work out many were channeled into full time diversity police. How could anyone possibly respect this or take it seriously. I think the point you make about individual thinking being true diversity is right on and is what people would ultimately respect.
