Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Actually, it’s my new Blog look, courtesy of Father’s Day. This new design is my gift from my two daughters, sons-in-law, and six grandchildren. In reality, it was my daughters Christine and Susan who collaborated and did all of the work…with a bit of help from friends.

I can’t really express how grateful and proud I am of my new blog template. In fact, my initial stunned reaction was so subdued that Christine didn’t think I even liked it! Incredibly, when the new design was first shown to me before it was actually activated, my first statement to Susan was… “I hope you don’t accidentally delete my blog.”

As to my new template, I like the color scheme much more than the old (to the extent that I can appreciate color). Also, I like using both margins for links and things. The much more prominent positioning of the Ayn Rand quote at the top, which is the theme of my blog, is something that is very pleasing to me…especially its proximity to the title and the words “We the People.”

And that brings me to perhaps my favorite feature…the United States Constitution as a backdrop. Anyone who knows me will easily recognize that feature as quintessentially ME.

This is my favorite in a long line of great, thoughtful, and much-appreciated Father’s Day gifts. My blog now means much more to me than just intellectual activism, which is itself very important. It will always offer great inspiration to me every time I access it…and will make me want to fight even harder for my, and your, individual rights.

So to my daughters Christine and Susan, my sons-in-law Jason and Jerome, and my grandchildren Zachary, Eliot, Madalyn, Alysa, Colin, and Kayla…A.K.A. Zemack…THANK YOU!

I love you all;



  1. Thanks Dad. I'm so glad you like it. Keep up the good work!

  2. We love you too!!! Keep on pushing buttons and writing in the name of all you believe. You've always been an inspiration to me!
